Original spaces for corporate events

One of the main objectives of brands when they are involved in the initial creative process for celebrating a corporate event is to surprise. In a social context where users receive more and more publicity impact and moreover in personalised form, achieving the “Wow” factor at an event is crucial if the experience is to be memorable and remain present in the mind of the consumer. 

Consequently, choosing original event spaces for corporate celebrations is the key to achieving an effect which is both surprising and evocative for the guests. Let us look at a few which will undoubtedly be of interest to you.

A corporate event afloat

Celebrating a corporate event on a boat can be an unforgettable experience for your guests. This is probably not one of the most innovative ideas that you will read here, but a party on a boat  is one of those elements which reside in the collective imagination as something which has to be done at least once in a lifetime. Who has not imagined this at one time or another?

As organizers, we are at the mercy of the changes in the weather, so it is a good idea to have a plan B. Likewise, we must regulate exactly the number of attendees in line with the size of the boat and hire a security service specialising in the maritime sector. 

A corporate party in a theme park

Celebrating a corporate party in a theme park can be an  exciting and fun way to to get the employees to join in and celebrate the achievements of the company.We believe it is a good option if we also want to involve the families of the employees in the event. 

Special conditions can be offered for the attendees such as the possibility of avoiding the queues which sometimes form (or close the theme park to give exclusive access to the attendees of the event).

A business meeting in a luxury hotel

Celebrating a business meeting in a luxury hotel can be a way not only to impress your clients or collaborators, but also to make their stay as agreeable and comfortable as posiible. 

In many large hotels we usually offer meeting rooms adapted to  all types of acts, from small business gatherings to large corporate meetings. In this respect, it will be essential to know the estimated number of attendees in order to book the room depending on the capacity requirements.

A gala dinner in a castle

For high level budgets, celebrating a gala dinner in a castle can be a distinctly impressive experience for the guests. Here, there is the possibility of including the concept of a themed party, where the setting plays a fundamental role.

Finally, we must take into account that these types of spaces tend to be protected by public entities so certain restrictions will exist. To solve this question, we can turn to themed spaces which simulate real historical spaces with an enormous degree of realism.

An incentive activity for employees in a water park

Organizing an incentive activity for employees in a water park can be a pleasant and much appreciated way to motivate or give rewards to employees with a good work performance. As we saw in the section on themed parks, it is also an activity where the family card can be played. 

It is important that the space can offer the possibility of closing the park for the event or certain areas thereof, or failing that, allow special options so that the attendees do not have to queue in order to enjoy the facilities of the park.   

A party for employees in an abandoned factory

Organising a party in an abandoned factory for your employees would be included as one of the options for a type of worker or company of a more casual or alternative nature. Clearly, we are not talking of entering an abandoned space illegally, which could also be unsafe, but rather spaces which event celebration companies have specifically prepared for such a use, creating very interesting spaces with an industrial character. 

A cocktail party at the theatre

We now go from the most alternative to the most  classic of settings: Celebrating a cocktail party in a theatre. This action can also go hand in hand with a show. As it is a very standardized event, it will be the performance that marks the character of the celebration. Classic plays for more serious ambiances, pop music for more relaxed or youthful occasions, popular plays, comedy monologues appropriate for the event, alternative theatre… there are many options which can be adapted to the event depending on the profile of the attendees.

A team building day in a country house

We have spoken extensively about team building activities for companies in this blog. They are activities which are carried out as a team and which seek to reinforce the collaboration between work groups and also allow us to obtain information about the different profiles of the workers, where employees with leadership skills can emerge, as do those who feel more comfortable in gregarious roles, special talents which may go unnoticed in everyday working contexts.

A requirement for these activities is to take the group out of their everyday work setting, so a team building session in a country house is a very interesting option.

An incentive trip to a ski or beach resort 

We return to an activity which intends to reward the good performance of a work group or strengthen the bonds between the workers or collaborators. The snowy landscape of a ski resort or the beach are two favourite destinations for these types of getaways. It all depends on the location of the company or the time of year.

Trends in events catering 2022-2023

The celebration of events requires on many occasions the hiring of catering services. Offering this type of service is in many cases an act which is expected in a society like ours where eating has become a social activity, especially in Mediterranean countries. As a result of this, making catering services available at events with clients, corporate acts or small group presentations is a must which all organizers have to offer.  

A sector in constant change and evolution such as MICE events is also subject to the latest trends in event organization which in one way or another involves the choice of food.

We set out below the latest trends in catering for event celebration in 2023.

Personalized catering

Depending on the space chosen and the number of guests attending the event,you will need to hire different types of catering services. 

Furthermore, in a social context where diversity and multiculturalism is increasing its presence, you will have to account for the type of diet and food allergies of each person. A trend which is clearly seen at catering events is vegetarian or vegan food, lactose or gluten free options or even food which does not contain animal products such as pork.  

Themed catering

If we speak of multiculturalism, we are talking of one of the most  leading edge trends of recent years in practically any sector.As is only to be expected, the catering and hospitality sector has joined this trend, offering food stations and events where the theme is different cultures and styles.  

Although different gastronomic preparations with designs based on types of cuisine such as Spanish or the rest of the Mediterranean cooking styles are on offer, currently, trends based on alternative cultures are the most sought after. Examples of these are Japanese (a trend of the last few years) or more exotic and unknown styles such as Central or South American, lesser known parts of Asia, or the exotic island cultures. Products designed with a particular festivity or celebration in mind are still being used.

Self-service for diners

Hiring self-service catering services is ideal for large scale events. One of its advantages is the possibility of offering all types of products instantly whilst simplifying complicated logistics. Moreover, the elimination of sanitary restrictions and the low incidence of coronavirus in 2022 has allowed this type of catering to gather strength in 2023 due to its versatility and ease of implementation.   

Gastronomy –  100% ecological and healthy

There is an ever greater awareness of climate change and the beneficial properties of ecological products. Commiting to locally produced products which are free from chemicals is a winning choice. The real food movement has been gathering strength over the last few years. This draws upon healthy ecological foodstuffs such as fruit and vegetables avoiding the consumption of ultraprocessed food and foments the Km zero economy.

In addition to this, we can opt for a sustainable kitchenware, built on a base of recyclable materials like bamboo or compostable cardboard.

So if you want to enjoy a unique experience while you are fighting to save the planet and take care of your health and that of your guests, an ecological catering service is the answer to surprise your guests by celebrating a sustainable event

Local products

Following on from the previous point, the growing concern over the impact of industrial production and transport of foodstuffs has resulted in more catering services offering local and sustainable food, such as organic or locally produced.  

This type of catering favours several aspects which make it a good option to project an image of committed social reponsibility. Zero kilometre products not only avoid a high consumption of fuel arising from the transport of food from distant places, but they also give a boost to local commerce, helping the small businesses and the local community where the event is held.   

Interactive culinary experiences

Some catering companies are offering interactive culinary experiences such as live food stations or cooking classes to make the event more enjoyable and memorable for the guests. We refer to culinary activities where the guests can participate and collaborate in the preparation of the food during the event, adding an element of surprise and fun to the event whilst helping to create a warmer more welcoming ambiance where the guests feel more involved in the event.

Live cooking or showcooking, continues to be one of the most attractive offerings which can make a difference to our event, creating an unforgettable experience. Guests can choose the different foods and ingredients they wish to try. They can actively participate in the preparation process of their gastronomic menu. 

A number of catering companies even offer cookery classes where the guests can learn to prepare different dishes and take home these cooking skills. 

There is also another very attractive bonus, which is the possibility of hiring haute cuisine chefs to convert this experience into a prestigious event with media recognition.

Online catering service for virtual events

If we delve a little further into the offer of mobile gastronomy at events, the popularity of virtual events, both hybrid and online allow us to see more catering companies offering online service options:

  • Delivery of catering boxes which include different food options
  • Virtual catering service where chefs prepare food live while participants of the event watch and take part in the preparation of the dishes via videoconference.
  • Virtual buffet options in which the participants of the event can choose their dishes and drinks via an online platform and then pick up or receive the food by home delivery.

Mobile catering or foodtrucks

At open air events, food trucks or mobile catering services are the best option for enjoying the good weather and tasting all kinds of dishes.

The gastronomy of food trucks can offer us infinite possibilities, from mobile kitchens specialised in high quality gastronomic experiences. Premium products, including more exotic cuisine and even food trucks specialised in vegan food.

Themed catering

If you decide to go for an event where the ambiance is set by themes or styles then you must complement this with the corresponding catering service. 

In this way, it is possible to offer different culinary preparations with designs based on various types of food such as Spanish cooking, the rest of Mediterranean cuisine or Asian gastronomy. Another option is to offer products which relate to a particular festivity or celebration.


Live cooking represents one of the most innovative proposals to make our event stand out and convert the experience into an unforgettable one.

The attendees can choose the different foods and ingredients they wish to try. They will take an active part in the way their menu is prepared

You will also be able to hire the services of high cuisine chefs, thus converting the experience into a prestigious event with a high media profile.  

Creative cooking with 3D printing

This trend permits us to make personalised products available by saving time and growing the creativity of the gastronomic preparations for our event.

The technology of 3D printing grants us the opportunity to create different layers of ingredients, arranged in imaginative shapes created by a 3D printer, playing with innovative textures and tastes which differentiate the preparation of your menu. 

Finger food at events

This new trend is currently the star feature of many buffets and events offered by catering services. In a finger food buffet, guests can try different dishes and eat with their hands. This style of eating combines gourmet and practicality, by offering recipes prepared with all their flavours but in miniature portions.  

Principal trends in events for 2022-2023

If 2022 was the year of mass vaccination and when the reduced incidence of coronavirus returned us to normality in many respects, then 2023 promises to be an encouraging year in the MICE sector. 

The period of adjustment that the business tourism industry had to go through in recent years has been left behind and 2023 appears far less volatile in a qualitative sense. A certain naturalness has been  regained, with a return to the path of natural development in the sector beyond  reinventions (we will see that some have come to stay).   

According to the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), business tourism will grow at an average annual rate of 5,5% until 2032, and only in 2022 growth of 4,1% was estimated. These figures show how professional tourism is recovering the normality it has lost in recent years, and that essentially involves a return to some traditional practices, combined with new trends in corporate events for 2023. 

There are however, certain aspects which must be taken into account and which will influence in one form or another, the way in which we perceive and experience the activities of professional tourism. There is no doubt that with rising inflation worldwide, and a geopolitical context marked by the conflict in Ukraine, certain patterns will be modified which we will now see. Let us take a look at the principle trends in event organisation and MICE tourism in 2023.  

Foto de Alexandre Pellaes en Unsplash

New trends in events

Will we see great changes in the trends for event organisation in 2022 in relation to 2023? Digitalization, a la carte consumption or the sustainable economy are societal behaviours which look sure to make a mark on the next decade and consequently will be repeated this year in the trends for corporate events.   

Digital events

One of the lessons learned by many brands during the hardest part of the pandemic is the effectiveness of digital events. In fact, nowadays there are still many brands who continue to hold their big annual events in an online context. They have also found a way to open up to another type of consumer and in some cases, reduce costs.

More events …and á la carte 

Digitalization has democratised the celebration of corporate events. With a much lower cost, small companies have decided to cross over to these types of events where they can gather together their clients and followers on the net.

The consequence of this is the large number of this type of events to which the user has access, opening up an immense range of possibilities, discovering niche content and selecting more carefully  what the user is attracted by.   

The result is a more experienced client, one who is more demanding and  seeks much more specific content

Additional content on demand for attendees

The possibilities of the different digital platforms also allow additional content on request for the user. In an increasingly enriched information environment, the user is the one who decides when and where to consume the content which is on offer. 

As a result, brands make it possible for their attendees to expand the experience of the event with additional information which can be consumed and consulted at any time using any of their devices. The outcome is a more complete experience, one which lasts longer and which requires a lesser sacrifice for users with regard to their time management. 

Adapting to social media and the participation of influencers

 Influencers are becoming increasingly more powerful as opinion leaders among many groups of the population. To get an idea of the prestige of these individuals, let’s remember that, in 2020, Finland used well-known influencers to raise the public’s awareness of the safety measures that they had to take to protect themselves against  coronavirus. Having these public figures at events will be an incentive for the organisers.

Hybrid events

We have already talked at great length on the Grand Luxor Business & Events blog about hybrid events. Currently it is one of the biggest trends concerning corporate events.

Hybrid events allow a combination of the strengths of digital events whilst conserving the face to face element for those users who prefer direct contact. This facilitates a situation where not only do all client profiles feel comfortable in their relation with the brand, but also  across the board content can be generated which reaches very different types of client.

The importance of technical resources in celebrations

If everything related with digital events is a trending topic then this must  also be the case for the importance of having at your disposal the necessary technical resources to make the event into an effortless and comfortable experience for the user    

As the celebration of the event itself has been democratised and any brand large or small can livestream, it is in the technical area where the difference can be appreciated. The sound, image quality and the technical result of the product is now a differential value. 

Sustainable events

Ecology, the circular economy and an awareness of sustainability and the struggle against climate change never seen before is present in the new trends of event organization.  

Let us not expand too much on this as we have already covered sustainable events in a previous article. Awareness of the abuse of electricity consumption and above all, of the use of plastic utensils and packaging is forefront in the mind of today´s consumer.

Outdoor celebrations

Linked to sustainable events we have outdoor celebrations. Taking advantage of daylight secures a substantial saving of energy. For this purpose, the celebration of events in places where a good climate is present all year is particularly relevant.

This is one of the great opportunities offered by event spaces on the Mediterranean coast, as is the case of Grand Luxor Hotel Business & Events. Grand Luxor is located in a privileged space on the Costa Blanca with more than 300 days of sunshine per year and with an average of more than 8 hours light per day, reaching in the spring and summer months up to 14 hours. You can request more information on our contact page.   

Roadshows: itinerant events

With the price of fuel and transport still high, brands continue to explore ways of reaching their clients instead of making them travel to an event venue.  

This is the case of roadshows, itinerant events which transport all their equipment to different geographical locations either simultaneously or at different times, repeating the same experience in different places to reach a greater number of participants.

This also allows brands to stimulate the local commerce of the area, focusing the spend in the different areas where the event takes place, contributing in addition to the sustainable economy by reducing the use of fuel used by people attending the event.

Events in exotic or unusual destinations

At the opposite extreme of the previous point, propositions for exclusive events in exotic or unusual places can be detected. Firstly, this type of intiative can seek a counterpoint to previous years when restrictions constrained the wish of  the consumer or clients  to expand beyond the frontiers of their countries.  

On the other hand, a geographically distant face to face event  will be a way to create a differentiated point, a purple cow in the face of a marked trend towards the digital world.

Interaction and gamification at events

The user profile changes with the times. Currently, a big proportion of clients have grown up in an environment where videogames and interactive elements have formed part of their lives and learning experiences. This involves a demand for content based on interaction where gamification plays an important role.

Gamification is a learning model which uses the classic mechanism of games and videogames in the educational process and in the internalisation of new concepts. We could speak at length about about this and in fact we do in this post on gamification in events

Group experiences  for work groups

We constantly receive messages about a society which is ever more connected remotely and yet less connected face to face. Consequently, many companies demand experiences which require the participants to interact , connect with each other and learn to work and solve problems as a group.

In this environment where digital contact is prioritised and now that health restrictions have eased up, generating direct contact experiences can become truly disruptive. We also deal with this in another article on Team building activities

Safety and hygiene at events

Safety in the context of hygiene has become more important after the pandemic. Even with the great sanitary crisis overcome, the user still retains a high level of awareness of safety and hygiene, and this has been transferred to the variables which an event manager must manage from now on.

Health and Safety at events

Safety in the context of large public gatherings has become one of the principal variables to be considered when organising an event. In the aftermath of the world health crisis, the user is more conscious of health and safety and this has been reflected in the variables which an event manager must manage from now on. 

Wellness and health

Nowadays, well-being and leading a healthy life are aspects which have ever greater value. As a result, the inclusion of Wellness in the celebration of corporate events is becoming increasingly normalised. A Slow style incentive trip or a few days spent in a hotel or other setting which has Wellness facilities will be seen as an impetus for the participants who are more and more active in practices such as Yoga, Pilates or even extreme activities like Crossfit.    

Events where alcohol is not consumed or very little of it, are catching on as well. This saves the organisers money and it also ensures that an excess of alcohol does not impair the participants.

Small meetings 

We have already spoken about the concept of small seeting as a trend in 2022. At that time we were talking about professionals who did not feel prepared for large events and who however, missed the capacity to generate face to face contacts. Well, these types of small meeting events continue to be trending but this time for different reasons.    

In a society which is ever more fragmented, where cultural and identity options are infinitely greater, communication has become a question of more specific ranges of audience (Buyer persona), very particular, reduced and almost tribal niche markets which require the specific attention of the brands. The attendees of corporate events expect a unique and personalised experience adapted to their needs and preferences. Therefore, it is likely that we will see an increase in the personalisation of events in the future.  

Celebrations in the Metaverse

Together with artificial intelligence, the Metaverse was last year´s great protagonist in many sectors. Even though it is still a trend, the transition towards this new way of understanding events and social relations will progress more slowly than expected. It will remain for “early adopter“ brands with a patently experimental view, who will offer brief contacts with this way to understand the digital world.

These virtual reality events can be very beneficial and useful in particular sectors although they are still in an early stage. You can find out more in this article where we speak about how the metaverse will change the way to understand corporate events

Trends in events for 2023

In a world of constant change, we must look out for the new trends which will appear in the next few months and will change the way to understand personal and working relations in a corporate context.

Can we foresee the next step towards the digital world? Will human contact confronting the dehumanisation of remote working become a trend? Will large scale celebrations return?

It will certainly be exciting to find out. 

How to write a press release for an event

A press release is one of the fundamental steps and a very valuable resource to increase the outreach of the activity of a company. In the case of the celebration of an event, it can be useful to spread among the public opinion the success of the event in which our company has taken part, enhancing the awareness of our brand and promoting a positive opinion among the public. It is also a tool which when used with the appropriate constancy, can help to establish positive relations with the media.  

The drawing up of a press release for an event need not be a complicated task but we must know how to push the right buttons in order to reach the right  person, at the right time and in the right way, so that our action is successful.  

Picture: Jéan Béller on Unsplash

What is a press release?

A press release is a communication tool which companies use to give prominence in the mass media to a newsworthy event regarding their activity. Commonly, it is a written article sent to the media which contains the most relevant information.      

It is frequently used by brands in an attempt to disseminate a newsworthy matter via the media on a mass level and without charge.

The importance of a good press release for an event.

Relevance is the key factor. A good press release must be above all, relevant; of interest. Only in this way will the media be prepared to publish it. This means that before drawing up a press release we must make sure that the information being diffused contains information which is interesting for the public and that in one way or another it is useful for them to form an impression of the events happening in their surroundings.

When should the press release be sent?

The same press release could be newsworthy one day, but not the following day. This variation comes from a basic concept which the mass media uses: the news diary.

The media diary establishes what is relevant and what is not, depending on what happens every day. Therefore, it is important to choose days when newsworthy activity is of low intensity in order to try to get our company´s communication published. Generally speaking, activity is at its lowest in the summer, at weekends, public holidays… when political and economic activity is lower.   

Likewise, we must take into account which is the moment when the news that we wish to share with the media is most relevant. We must never lose our sense of topicality. 

Given that the media often distribute communications by department, it is essential that the right person receives it: Is our event related with tourism, economy, sport…? Who is the media person with decision making capacity in each section? This is a prior task which is beneficial to carry out as it will notably improve the outreach of the event.

Model of a press release for an event

Here we will share with you what an outline example of a press release for the celebration of a company event looks like. 

  • Place the logo of the brand, clearly visible, at the top of the document.
  • Start with an attractive headline which briefly summarises the content.
  • Write the place and date at the beginning of the first paragraph.
  • Write the most relevant information in the form of an inverted pyramid. This means writing the most important part at the beginning and then sharing the information paragraph by paragraph, going from more to less important. 
  • Finally, you must provide information of the person in the company they must contact to obtain more details of the event.

Example of a press release for an event

(Logo of the National Carpet Federation)

The National Carpet Federation brings together the magnates of the sector in Murcia.  

Murcia, March 11th 2022. The National Carpet Federation successfully celebrated its annual event for the most important business representatives of the sector. This year, Murcia was the chosen site.

During the event, the latest trends and novelties of the sector were presented.The attendees were able to learn at first-hand the innovations of the principle manufacturers along with their products and services. 

The National Carpet Federation wishes to thank publicly all those guests who attended the event, which it has described as “a resounding success“. 

For further information please call 999 888 777 or send an email to  info@fednacal.com.

Remember that your press release must focus on the most important aspects of the event and be sure to include all the essential information that the journalists will need. With a little effort you can prepare a great press release for an event.

Benidorm “Smart Tourism Destination” at the service of Business Tourism

In the age of technology, tourist destinations are evolving to offer increasingly smarter and more connected experiences to tourists. These destinations are now associated to the concept of Smart Tourism Destination, a term which defines those places which offer a variety of services and attractions to satisfy the demands of travellers connected to the new globalised world.  

What is a Smart Tourism Destination ?

Smart Tourism Destination is a concept which refers to those cities and towns which have adopted advanced technology to improve the experience of tourists. We are speaking of technology such as mobile applications, geographical information systems, augmented reality, robots or social networks among many others. 

The reason for using these types of technologies at the service of towns and cities is to offer a connected, safe and accessible tourism destination providing a variety of attractions, services, conveniences and highly personalised experiences.

Picture: Danny Saltaren on Unsplash

What are the features of a Smart Tourism Destination ?

Let us now look at some of the features and examples of technologies  defining those cities which may be described as Smart Tourism Destinations:

  • Accessibility: They are towns that offer a variety of options for efficient, safe and affordable transport for tourists. 
  • Efficient use of energy: Cities which are committed to renewable energies in the use of urban fixtures: lighting, public transport, cleaning systems…
  • User experience: Smart destinations offer visitors a unique and customised user experience. They use information to create a personalised travel plan for visitors which is adapted to their interests and needs.
  • Technological innovation: This type of smart destination uses innovative technologies to improve the user´s experience, including augmented reality services or artificial intelligence. This will help visitors to achieve a far more immersive and meaningful experience at the destination. 
  • Safe infrastructure: Smart destinations invest in secure infrastructures to guarantee the security and trust of the tourists: security cameras, alarm systems connected to the enforcement authorities, protected computer networks…
  • Sustainability: Smart Tourism Destinations promote the conservation of natural resources and the sustainability of the environment with measures such as the education of tourists concerning respect for the environment, the conservation of monuments or the development of waste management programmes.

What can a Smart Tourism Destination contribute to Business Tourism?

A Smart Tourism Destination offers a variety of solutions which enhance the experience of business travellers. These solutions include high speed broad band connections, secure wireless connections and advanced security systems. This allows business travellers to quickly connect to their corporate resources and stay up to date with their work, all the while without any concerns regarding connection problems or even cyber security. 

In addition, a Smart Tourism Destination provides access to a variety of attractions and interconnected activities with a constant flow of information which allows you to be updated 24 hours a day with the activity of your sector, in such a way that you can take the best decisions whilst taking full advantage of your business trip. 

Smart Tourism Destinations in Spain 

Currently, only those destinations that obtain a score of 80% or more with Smart Tourism Destination methodology receive recognition as a Smart Tourism Destination.   

According to the criteria for obtaining this recognition, fulfilling at least 80% of the requirements, these are the Smart Tourism Destinations in Spain 2022: Benidorm, Gijón, Málaga, Tenerife and Santander. The title is, however, subject to constant development and will have a validity of two years, while the destination is expected to continue working to maintain their improvement in tourism quality.     

Benidorm, Smart Tourism Destination

Benidorm is the only Smart Tourism Destination on the Costa Blanca, Spain. In recent years Benidorm has developed a series of initiatives focused on improving the experience of tourists. 

Among these we can find  the campaign to encourage hotels to implement sustainable practices. This includes the use of renewable energies, efficient management of water and a reduction in the use of chemical products. Some hotels also offer incentives to their clients who choose to reduce their environmental impact with for example the use of bicycles to move around the town.    

Benidorm has also adopted a sustainable mobility plan to reduce air pollution. This includes setting up a network of efficient public transport, along with promoting the use of electric vehicles.

The town has also installed several charge points for electric vehicles. This allows tourists to visit Benidorm without having to worry about the fuel of their vehicle.

How to write a media advisory for an event

In this article we are going to point out the basic premises of writing a media advisory for an event and the steps to follow in order to produce it correctly. We will cover everything from the basic aspects of what must be included, to the format and how to send the communication. Let us start from the beginning.  

Photo by Us Wah at Unsplash

What is a media advisory ?

A media advisory is a document sent to the media to publicise the celebration of an act or event. It must be brief, concise and written in objective tone. Thus, we can achieve a high profile in a broad-based public if it proves interesting for different areas of the media.

The importance of a good media advisory for an event

When writing a media advisory for an event several key points must be taken into account, such as the purpose of the event, the target public, date and time, venue, theme… Basic information must be included in the media advisory: date, time, venue, description of the event, special guests etc. It is also important to attach images and logos which give an official character to the communication.   

It is important that the advisory should be drafted using  simple, clear language and without spelling mistakes. 

How to send a media advisory

You have organised an event and you want to publicise it. How do you send a press advisory? There are many ways to do this, but nowadays the most frequent one is by email. As a rule, a brief introduction is written so that the recipient knows the subject of the communication and then a PDF file is attached.  

A very useful tip we can give you is to make that PDF user friendly. With some PDF files, sometimes it is not possible to copy the text in one go and then paste it in a text editor. Take care with these things. Anything you can do to make the work of the journalist easier will increase the possibilities of the media advisory being published if it is relevant. Furthermore, you can upload the media advisory to the corporate blog of the company and connect to it via a link.

Another thing you must always do is include contact information so that the journalists can come to you or the person responsible for the communication of the event if they have any queries or suggestions. 

Media advisory template for an event

When we are talking of how to draw up a media advisory for an event, there is a specific formula which must be followed. Let us look at its structure: 

  • Title: This is the opportunity to grab the attention of the journalist and make him want to read on. The nature of the event must however, be summed up succinctly.   
  • Introductory paragraph: You must give a brief description of the event, including who the organiser is, what the occasion is and why it is important. 
  • Details of the event: Give details of what will happen in the event. Here, you must include the time, date, place… dress code if there is one, or extra information which you may consider relevant.
  • Contact information: Give the name of the person people can contact to obtain further information. Make sure to include an email address and phone number. 

Sample of a media advisory for an event

This is an example of a media advisory for an event.


The  Gervis Group will present the StartUP revelation awards on May 22nd 2022

Alicante ,May 1st 2022. As in previous years, The Gervis Group is organising the Revelation StartUP awards, the most important ones in the province of Zamora to offer recognition to young entrepreneurs.

This will take place next Tuesday 22nd May at 11 a.m. when the award winners will be announced:  3 young people from Zamora who will receive a cash contribution of 50.000€ in order to support their corporate project. The event will take place in the Zamora Town Hall and be attended by the mayor of the municipality, José Martos Pérez who will be accompanied by the CEO of The Gervis group, Gervasio Echániz and the councillor for Finance, Matías Pedraza.

José Martos Pérez will also take part in a press conference at the end of the event, so we ask the interested members of the media to confirm your attendance by email at press@aytozamorano.com or by phone on 565789089.

We look forward to welcoming you to the act. 

These would be the steps to follow in order to create a correct media advisory for an event. We hope that this example provides support and help when preparing yours.  

How to increase the outreach of your event

There are many ways to boost the outreach of an event. In this article we will show you the key points to obtaining a greater impact and achieving a more effective transmission of the message.

Tips for increasing the outreach of your event

Everything must therefore be aligned with a solid marketing strategy, with actions designed to strengthen the channels which we know to be the most effective, depending on our type of event. Do we want to develop the outreach by word of mouth? Is our public a professional one? Does our potential audience have an online presence? In what form? Let us see which channels we can attack through an outreach plan for an event.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez at Unsplash

Offline outreach of an event

When we talk of offline promotion of an event, we mean all those marketing actions which we call “traditional“,  that is those that do not include the presence of the brand on Internet. Under this heading we have traditional publicity methods such as printed adverts, radio and television or direct mail. Press notes are also to be found in this category, along with sponsorship actions.

  • Traditional publicity  in magazines, press, hoardings, television and radio usually have great impact. The biggest disadvantage is their high cost and in some cases an imprecise segmentation of the public.
  • Press notes: Writing a press note is one of the most profitable ways of appearing in the traditional media. If the event is sufficiently important and can be of interest to a wide group of users, the media may be open to publishing the celebration of the event.
  • The promotion of an event via sponsorship is a great way to reach more people and have them attend. This consists of  having a presence in another event, and displaying the logo of the brand in several places of the event: tee-shirts, signs, even using audiovisual material. The advantage of this option is that it has a good capacity of segmentation and moreover, it benefits from the pulling power of the sponsored brand and all their previous outreach actions.
  • Flyers or leafleting are practices which can be done but are nowadays in disuse. This also represents an unsustainable method given the quantity of paper used. In fact, we explained in a previous post how to organise a sustainable event. It is however, fairly economical.

Online outreach of an event

When we speak of online promotion we refer to all practices which involve the presence of the brand in one way or another on Internet, including digital publishing, social networks, mailings… Let us take a look at the key points of this area.

  • Web page: If your event is going to be promoted on Internet then the creation of a web page is essential.It can be a section of the website of the brand dedicated exclusively to the event in question or a new website can be created.
  • Newsletter: If you have a database and the  permission of those contacts to send communications, a newsletter is a good way to guarantee that at least your close contacts know about the celebration of the event. If in addition, you want them to have access to the content in depth then make sure that the email is attractive enough to make people want to read it. 
  • Digital publicity: You can make use of the publicity in search engines like Google to increase the outreach of your event. You can do this with display campaigns which will show the event to your target public when they are surfing the net, or it will appear in the first search results for the key words which potential attendees may use to find an event similar to yours. You can also use videos, images.. 
  • Social networks are a very interesting arm for promoting an event.. Firstly for the followers of your brand. They are probably the first people interested in attending the occasion. Social networks are also the digital “word of mouth“, the channel with the greatest capacity of spontaneous diffusion of the users, and which if handled intelligently can be very successful.
  • SEO: If the event is a recurrent one and the web which publicises the occasion has the intention of remaining over a period of time, then it is worthwhile optimizing the site for particular key words which can attract quality visits to the web. The SEO is specialised work which you can outsource to a specialist agency.    

Tips for improving the outreach of your event

Measure, measure and measure: While  it is simpler with digital promotion than in a traditional context, having a system of performance indicators will allow you to know if your plan was successful and above all, to take decisions based on real data. 

Monitoring the brand: There are tools which allow you to measure what the impact of your promotion plan was, how many people are talking about your event or what they are saying in forums and social networks. In this way you will know what you are doing well… and what you can improve.

Do not be invasive: Nowadays, users receive a great number of publicity impacts: via traditional channels,  email, on social networks… on their mobiles. They have the power of decision of what they want to see and what they do not. If you are too probing depending on the action, then this can cause rejection not only for this event but also for future ones.   

Prepare the event: You can produce interesting content to offer small tasters of what the event will be like. This can be in the form of photos of the preparations, videos with the speakers or guests who will be in attendance, little  giveaways or draws for the first  to register for the event…

So you can see that there are many options available for actions which improve the visibility of your event and which can be very effective. At Grand Luxor Mice we do not just offer celebration spaces for large and small events, we also advise companies and Event Managers by means of our specialist staff. They can serve as the support needed so that the outreach of your event is a success. Contact us and find out how. 

Themes for unforgettable company events

At Grand Luxor Mice we experience all types of events every week in the spacious facilities we have available. We are therefore in a position to offer you some ideas for themed corporate events which may serve as inspiration to you. Let´s go!

What is a theme event?

A theme event is a celebration where all aspects are coordinated so they revolve around one particular theme. Only the organiser may adhere to the theme or alternatively, the guests may participate by adapting all the necessary aspects of their presence to the previously designated role.     

Choosing the best theme for your event

Now it is time to choose the theme which is most suited to the nature of the corporate event you have in mind, and it is important to be clear about this. There are times when imagination should not prevail over reason. Bearing this in mind, we must first of all conduct an analysis of several aspects which surround our brand and the event to be held… of all the aspects which revolve around this action and choose a theme which can adapt itself to the whole, as if it constituted a part of a solid cog of all the actions.  

We must, therefore, take into account at least these questions:  

  • Defining the objectives: What is the reason for holding this event and what does my company intend to achieve with it? 
  • Number of attendees: The number of people we plan to invite will determine many of the aspects of the theme and actions of our event. There are ideas which are not appropriate for large scale events, just as small groups also limit grand actions.
  • Budget: The budget will evidently condition our capacity to act. In most cases, this is usually the most limiting factor when creating a memorable themed event for our guests. However, with a little intelligence, this can be used to our advantage. Sometimes, less is more.
  • Idiosyncrasies of the company:  We must always bear in mind the identity of the company, the values it represents, the mindset of its directors… a corporate act must always reflect the personality of its organizer.
  • Event space: The space will sometimes set the limits and possibilities. Therefore, at Grand Luxor Mice we have a wide variety of large and small spaces for events, so we can always adapt to the needs of our clients.

Great ideas for themed corporate events

If you are an event manager or are responsible for tasks related with the celebration of a company event for your brand we do not know all the points of your company previously mentioned, but we can offer you some ideas for themed corporate events which may prove attractive. It depends on you, however, to decide the suitability of them based on the aspects considered in the previous paragraphs.  

  • Nautical activities: Coastal towns and villages or those near the sea have an important competitive advantage: the possibility of including nautical activities in their events. Coastal MICE tourism is gaining more and more followers during the times of year with good weather by offering activities connected with the sea. 
  • Treasure trove: A treasure trove is a competitive fun activity which consists of a series of tests and challenges. Generally, these challenges require a certain skill, and aptitudes which were perhaps somewhat hidden in some work teams begin to flourish.It is also an ideal activity for fomenting team spirit, creativity and teamwork.
  • Hikes:.A hike in the countryside or through the mountains is a fun activity for teams which can foment several positive aspects in the group.Unwind away from the city, the noise, the daily hustle and bustle of office life…This also gives the opportunity to do some exercise and encourage interdepartmental relations in work groups or even intercompany ones.
  • Large-scale escape room: Let´s think big now! An escape room is a game of adventure and conundrums where the participants must use their skills to solve a series of riddles and brainteasers within an established time limit in order to escape from a room or a situation. Let´s make it big size!
  • Sports event: A classic. A sports event always offers a topic of conversation in the office several weeks before and after the day.It stays very clearly in the memories of the participants and favours a spirit of healthy competition.
  • Weekend retreat: With a bigger budget weekend retreats can be proposed and in this case the number of possibilities multiplies: beach, mountains, snow, a rural or even spiritual retreat… a gastronomy experience perhaps. Everything that our mind is capable of imagining and connecting with the goal of our company event.
  • Concerts in a private act.
  • Comedy performances at corporate events.
  • Art exhibitions with a theme relevant to the activity of the guest companies.
  • Interesting conferences concerning the field of study of the guests.
  • A themed fancy dress party for close-knit or self-assured groups. With respect to this, at Grand Luxor Mice we have at our disposal the priviliged enclave of Terra Mitica where the backdrops of the Ancient civilisations lend themselves perfectly to parties where the theme is Egypt, Rome, Iberia or Greece.

The themed coporate party you are capable of dreaming up

We hope we have helped you to find inspiration with these ideas for themed company events. In any case, as we always say, your capacity as organizer and the originality of your ideas over and above those presented in this post will be the key to differentiating yourself from the rest. 

At Grand Luxor Mice we can help you with our Tailor made Party service where our Project Managers will make every effort to make sure that the ideas you have in your head will become reality in an unforgettable event.

Original event ideas for companies

For an event to be memorable many factors come into play: the organising brand, the reason for staging it, the number or quality of the guests… but there is one fundamental aspect which everyone seeks: originality. Being original, unique and unrepeatable in your event can make the difference between celebrating just another event in the mind of the attendees or creating an event which will always be remembered. So we are going to give you a stack of ideas for original company events which will make your event linger in the memory of your guests. 

Original activities in company events

Beyond the decoration or the original themes for corporate events, the activities carried out will in many ways set the stamp of singularity on the event. Let us examine some original activities for company events which can captivate the different profiles of guests you may have: clients, the staff of the company, the general public… Let us begin.

Original events for clients

Captivating your clients with an event of great originality can make a difference in their next  decision to purchase or contract a service with your brand. It is a flame which is lit in a given moment, with a particular action and may prove to be definitive. Let us see how we can ignite that flame with these original client oriented events:     

  • Open door day: Allow them to get to know the nuts and bolts of your activity, your employees, your facilities and your way of working, especially if you are proud of it. Transparency is greatly appreciated in commercial relations. 
  • Seaside celebration: At the beach or on a boat is a unique way to unwind away from the real world… and to connect a little more with your brand. Trips of this type or in settings away from the conventional ones allow positive relations to bloom more easily, the fruit of original and memorable experiences shared between client and company.   
  • Dining in the dark: This is a concept that can be very interesting to explore. A good quality catering service can be hired to offer this type of experimental dinner or similar. The option is interesting as few people would spontaneously dare to live this experience in their everyday lives.
  • Fiesta of the senses: In a similar vein, we can prepare a party where all of the senses are stimulated through food but also with music, art etc.  
  • Dining in the sky: Reserved for brands with bigger budgets and for VIP clients. Dining with endless views over the skyline of a country.  

Original events for employees

Let us now talk about internal events where the employees are the guests to be won over. Let us take a look at some original events for employees: 

  • Role play games: Well-prepared role plays help employees to understand better how their own company works. Participants must play the role of different characters in the company. In this way, the needs of other colleagues and departments can be understood.
  • Simulation games: Simulation games put us in the shoes of characters with different responsibilities. It is a vehicle for the employees to understand how they can apply their skills in very diverse situations.
  • Escape Room: Escape games are perfect for company events as they oblige the participants to think creatively and collaborate with each other in order to solve a problem.Theses games are ideal for team building events and can help employees to understand better how their own company works. 
  • Urban adventure: In these games, the participants must follow a series of clues to arrive at different parts of the city, which will help them to get to know better the area where they work.They will also work as a team.
  • Cookery class: An activity such as preparing a meal, because of the mere pleasure of cooking, is relaxing. Besides, the value of doing things in a calm manner can be appreciated here.
  • A comedian in the office: Find a comedian to come to the office and have an evening of corporate comedy. 
  • Relaxation day in the office: Hire an event company to arrange a spa day in the office with massage, manicure and pedicure services.

Original solidarity events

Let us now turn to a very specific type of event: the solidarity event. The actions of Corporate Social Responsibility are very relevant nowadays in a social context where users and clients demand an awareness from the part of companies, of the environment in which they live and of the way in which from their position they can help to achieve a better world. Let us look at some examples of original solidarity events.  

  • Charity casino: A classic shown many times in American films. Hire the services of an entertainment company to set up a casino party in the office, with blackjack, roulette and poker. Bingo is also a frequently used game. All with the aim of donating the proceeds to a particular solidarity cause.
  • Treasure hunt: Treasure hunt events are perfect for company events as they foment collaboration and team spirit among the attendees.The participants must find a hidden treasure in the event.That treasure contains a cash prize which is donated to the preferred association or organization.
  • A sporting solidarity event: The participants pay a subscription for the event which is later donated to a worthy cause.

Original spaces for celebrating corporate events

Now, the spaces: Where can I celebrate an event in an original space? At Grand Luxor MICE we have original spaces to celebrate corporate events, both indoor and outdoor which will lend your event a magical and unforgettable aura. Let us see:

Original indoor spaces for events:

  • Pharaoh room: An impressive room situated in the interior of an Egyptian pyramid.
  • Almadrava room: A room and garden which emulates Nazari architecture and recreates the Patio of the lions from the Alhambra palace in Granada.
  • Pica Picae: An enormous celebration space with the ambiance of the grand banquets of Ancient Rome. 
  • Circus Maximus:  A colossal theatre which reproduces the ancient and iconic Flavian Amphitheatre.

Charming outdoor spaces for corporate acts: 

We hope we have helped you to find some original ideas for corporate events you may have in mind for now or a future moment. Just remember… if it is unique it is memorable. 

Types of dress code for celebrations and events

Certain events or occasions require a particular dress code. This concept has become more widespread and may be necessary in a professional or personal context. So in this article we want to review the principal types which currently exist.

What is a dress code?

We can define dress codes as a series of social norms which oblige the person to dress in a particular way, for a party, conference or meeting which may be part of our working or social life. There are moments when common sense prevails. For instance, it is not the same to attend a wedding, White Party or a business dinner with a firm of lawyers.

However, these rules are not written anywhere and will depend on the style of the host. In fact, in many social events and parties, the invitation itself indicates the dress code which all the guests will have to adhere to. 

Photo by Jason Briscoe at Unsplash

Types of dress code for celebrations or corporate events

Nowadays there are many types of dress code to consider. Some of the most frequent ones are:

White tie or full evening dress

White Tie is the smartest dress code that we can encounter. We must go in full evening dress. This means women must wear a long evening dress and their best shoes, high heels are recommended.In contrast, for men there are several options: Apart from a black tail coat, a suit with tie and waistcoat may be worn. On certain occasions, wearing a bow tie is also permitted.    

Black tie or  tuxedo

Smart dress is required but in black tie dress code it is not compulsory to wear the smartest clothes. However, this does not prevent men from choosing a tuxedo. Women, however, must wear a long dress and high heels combined with other accessories to highlight their elegance.

Business or formal dress code

Business dress is used for those evening events where black or white tie  dress is not necessary. Men must choose a suit which differs from what they would normally wear. Women, however, have different options although a long dress, high heels and accessories are recommended.

Cocktail dress code

Generally speaking, cocktail events are usually in the evening. Men should wear a suit, a tie being optional. Women, on the other hand may choose to wear a blouse combining with a skirt or a shorter knee length dress. Comfort begins to be the most important factor, without exceeding the limits of good taste.

Smart casual

This is one of the dress codes that generates most confusion as it mixes two concepts which we must bear in mind. On the one hand we must select more informal styles of dress but also combine them with smarter items of clothing. The objective is to be well-dressed but at the same time informal.

For example, it is possible to combine a jacket with sports shoes. The same thing applies for women, who can combine a dress with not so smart shoes. 


Finally, casual style, which  does not have many rules. The only requirement is that common sense prevails. We must think of the type of event we are going to attend Both men and women can go in jeans, combined with a polo shirt or a shirt which makes them feel comfortable and at ease.

In conclusion, dress code is fundamental to bear in mind for particular events where the aesthetics are important, especially when we have a professional objective to achieve.