Writing a thank you letter for an event invitation

Writing a thank you letter for an event invitation is a way of showing gratitude to the person or organization who has been kind enough to invite us to an event which they consider to be important for us. This communicates to the person in question, a sense of pride that they have been considered for such an event.  

Drawing up a thank you note for this action starts with asking yourself a basic question: Who is the recipient of the letter? That will dictate the content and the tone as it is not the same to write a formal letter to a boss or director as it is to write something more informal to a client or supplier with whom you already have a certain degree of familiarity.   

However, all thank you letters  have something in common:

  • They involve a demonstration of gratitude for a circumstance which urges the person to write.
  • A positive content which is intended to please the recipient.

In this article we will show how to write the best thank you letter for an invitation to an event in order to help cultivate the relation and make it more productive for both parts.

Picture: Christin Hume on Unsplash

Parts of a thank you letter for event attendance 

Writing this type of letter is a task which can be broken down into parts: All you have to do is follow these steps adapting them to the recipient:  

  1. The date of writing must be shown. We mention this because the timescale has its importance. A thank you letter for an event must be written respecting a prudential amount of time so that this gratitude will have its effect without it falling into oblivion. This  point is not relevant if the message is sent by e-mail, where the date already appears.   
  2. We start with a greeting in accordance with the circumstances and the familiarity we have.   
  3. It must be a brief letter and in the initial lines we must begin by expressing sincere gratitude for the circumstance which prompts the letter. In this case it is the attendance of an event, but there may be other reasons which lead us to express our thanks in writing (perhaps  special treatment, a particular gesture…). 
  4. In the structure of the letter we can reflect interest for a particular circumstance by expressing enthusiasm. This would be a very personal option but it may form part of the content and the circumstance may lead to a new source of connection, strengthening the relationship. 
  5. When we arrive at the conclusion, the recommendation is to end this type of letter with a further expression of gratitude. Finally, the closing of a thank you letter of event attendance is done depending on the level of familiarity we have (with gratitude, regards, cordially, etc).

In conclusion, a thank you letter of event attendance is written with the aim of expressing gratitude for the actions of a person. It allows the recipient to know that what they did has been greatly appreciated. We have seen the different parts and their possible variations of register depending on who the recipient is. Let us now see a model letter.

Model of a thank you letter for event attendance

Let us note that what we have set down here is only a model used as an example which is neither real nor adaptable to particular cases. The reader can extract from it whatever is considered relevant to his message and tailor it to a specific case. Let us begin.  

Barcelona, October 7th 2021.

Hello Luis:

I am writing to thank you for the invitation to the event last Thursday and also for the warm welcome and hospitality my colleagues and I received during the whole event. I know that all the team is delighted with the experience and looking forward to seeing you at a future meeting.

Personally speaking, I would like to say that I was most pleasantly surprised with your gift for which I am enormously grateful. I took away with me an unbeatable souvenir and you can be sure that I will make full use of it. 

I would also like to mention that your choice of decoration for the venue was absolutely spot on. How was your experience with Glassé events? We have worked with them on several occasions and they have always impressed us. If you choose to work with them again, let me know and I will introduce you to David, the director of the office in Canada, who is a good friend of mine. He will treat you very well.

I hope you achieved the goals you established and thank you once again for the invitation. 

Kind regards

Ernesto Ruiz.

This thank you letter for an event attendance follows all of the steps previously described. We hope it is useful for you to obtain ideas for writing your own letter.

Keys to organising a successful seminar

Congresses, seminars, talks, round tables… are commonplace corporate activities which allow companies and professionals to meet up from time to time to favour acquisition of professional expertise, to generate networks and create a fulfilling professional experience around a brand.

Organising a seminar is always a good strategy to achieve previously agreed benefits but it is always advisable to understand and plan certain points carefully, in order to turn the seminar into a successfulevent. Let us begin from the beginning, to establish a very specific basis for the activity we refer to. 

What is a seminar?

A seminar is a professional event whose aim is to train and inform the attendees of a particular topic or area. This field of dissemination is always linked with the professional activity or work of the organiser, who stands as the authority of the subject over the rest of the attendees. We have already spoken in detail about the seminar and similar events in another post, where we also spoke of the differences between each of them.

If your brand or institution wishes to hold a seminar, here we will give you the solid bases on which to act.

Picture: Headway en Unsplash

How to organise a successful seminar

Faced with the question of how to organise a seminar correctly, it must be said that following a series of steps to guarantee success is fundamental.

  • Define the aims. This is the first step we must take to be able to offer an efficient respone to the expectations of those attending the event. Moreover, this definition of the aims allows us to know exactly which seminar to organise at a given moment and therefore direct it to a successful conclusion.
  • Depending on the subject or the sector in which we find ourselves, we will have to determine which attendees are the most suitable, for which it will be necessary to have a clear idea of our target public. We are however, not only talking about the public, but also the speakers whose task will be to connect with those who attend the seminar.
  • Estimate the budget. This is the moment to use the resources at our disposal with a set budget where the investment is worthwhile. In addition, it is recommendable to work with a margin of error for unforeseen circumstances. 
  • We must study the different calendar possibilities depending on the availability of the attendees, especially that of the speakers. For this reason, these events are usually programmed well in advance. 
  • Find the ideal place to hold a seminar. In order to do this, we must take into account the capacity and location and in particular, the possibility of  easy access for private cars. We must also make sure that access to the site is simple and without architectural barriers. In this regard, the Grand Luxor Hotel Business & Events offers a wide range of event spaces for all types of celebrations and capacity requirements. In fact, you can consult this guide to choose the perfect place for your company event. 
  • Use online registrations. Thanks to this, we can make considerable progress with the management of the event, so that accessing the seminar will be much easier. For example, invitations can have a QR code with the instructions for use, giving the time and place of the seminar. We have already spoken in depth about how to write an invitation to a seminar or similiar
  • Organise the activities of the seminar. We must be clear about the organigram so that everything goes just how we planned it, including an outline of the event. We can even have a rehearsal to be assured of success. Breaks for lunch and refreshments must also be included as well as an extra time margin in case the presentations overrun. If you have any doubts about catering, we offer you the current trends in event catering.

With all of this, organising a seminar involves responsibility above all, underlining as well, the importance of communication so that everything turns out as planned. Consequently, at Grand Luxor MICE we offer the possibility of helping you by means of our Project Managers. In this way, we will give you our advice about the necessary areas so that your seminar is a success.

Congress, seminar, symposium, one-day event…Who is who and differences between them

Congress, convention, conference, seminar,symposium… many of these terms often come up in our day to day vocabulary, yet few people know exactly who is who in events tourism.

We have therefore decided to produce this brief guide or glossary of terms related with the world of MICE, as although they may sound the same, there are considerable differences between terms such as congress or seminar, congress or convention, so in the following lines we are going to take a look at each one of them.  

Picture: Mikael Kristenson en Unsplash

What is a congress?

A congress is a meeting bewteen members of a group, usually a professional one, arriving from different places in order to debate and present matters relating to their activity. The word “congress” is usually associated with a periodic event, although it is true that such a description  is not a necessary condition, but it is a very common one.   

What is a seminar?

A seminar is a closed meeting with the focus on a particular field of study of an academic nature.It involves therefore, a previously decided area of study where two clearly defined roles exist: the role of specialist whose function is that of the educator and a lay public in the subject whose role is that of learner.  

What is the difference between a seminar and a congress?

A seminar is a specialised meeting where one of the parties has superior knowledge of a subject than the other, who attends in order to learn. A congress is, however, a meeting of equals belonging to a professional group.  

Let us move on and add a further element to the map. We are going to talk about the symposium.

What is a symposium? 

A symposium is an occasional event where a group of experts present and develop a specific topic before a public audience. This group of experts expounds their proposal as a series of brief talks or presentations which as a whole form part of a global theme.

What is the difference between a symposium and a congress?

To begin with, the symposium is a single event, in one place and only on one date; the congress is generally held sporadically and more often than not annually. 

In addition, the symposium always addresses a single particular matter over a series of talks, while the congress may address various topics following a common thread which is the professional activity of the attendees.

What is the difference between a symposuim and a seminar?

As far as the symposium is concerned, the speakers demonstrate their expertise to a public which does not necessarily belong to their sector but who may, in one way or another, be interested in acquiring that knowledge. The seminar, however, is not only a small-scale private act but also one where the audience intends to acquire the knowledge imparted there in order to offer it as a service at a later date. 

Let us now add another element : the one-day event

What is a one-day event?

A one-day event  is a period of time ( a day or several- multi-day ) which includes the presentation and celebration of various activities such as seminars, symposiums, leisure or gastronomic activities…

A wide range of activities can be included in a one-day event but they must be united by a common thread, usually connected to the professional activity or interests of the visitors.

What is the difference between a symposium,congress and a one-day event?

The one-day event is a collection of activities which may contain symposiums and even congresses. These two are individual acts within a main central act, the one-day event, which encompasses everything.    

Let us now add a further element: the conference.

What is a conference?

A conference is an occasional event where one or two speakers deliver a public dissertation on a particular subject, usually connected with a professional area. Alternatively, it may also refer to a large scale occasional meeting of a professional group to debate a specific matter. 

What is the difference between a symposium and a conference?

When we speak of a public dissertation, there is little difference between a symposium and a conference. The symposium may be directed to a public which generally does not belong to a professional sector, but who may however find the information which is offered to be useful.  

As far as the conference is concerned, it is usually associated with a homogenous professional group with reference to both the speakers and the attendees.

The difference between conference, congress and seminar

If a conference and a congress are meetings of professionals from the same sector where subjects related with their professional activity are dealt with, then the conference would be of an occasional nature whereas the congress is periodic. 

Moreover, of these three, only one, the seminar, has a didactic purpose where one of the parties acts as tutor and the other as learner. Both the conference and the congress alike assume that the attendees belong to the same professional group, therefore presupposing a meeting of colleagues on an equal footing.  

Let us now add another variable : The convention.

What is a convention?

A convention is an occasional meeting and generally of a private nature in which there is a clear definition of attainable goals for the attendees. That is to say, the information shared here is not the objective  but rather the necessary element to reach a greater end, which may be for example coming to an agreement on a particular matter or taking a joint decision.    

What is the difference between a convention and a congress ?

Both involve meetings of a common collective, such as a professional group. However, the purpose of the convention is to reach a common previously stated goal which therefore determines the success of the same. A congress,on the other hand, is only a round table where valuable information is shared. 

So there we have it, if you had doubts about the differences between all these activities which until now appeared to be synonymous, (conference, one-day event, convention, congress…)  now you can recognise the differences between each of them when you are planning your corporate event.

How to write a letter of invitation to a corporate event

The success of a corporate event depends on an endless number of factors, a collection of elements which used intelligently and connectively, come together in a unique moment (the day of the event) where all the pieces fit together and everything flows coherently. Among these factors, the letter of invitation has an important role.  

Writing an invitation letter to the event is a crucial moment in the organisation of the event as it is the first point of contact between the organising company and the guest. This is a key moment where the first sensory impression (feel, look, smell…) and the wording of the content can define the decision of the sender.

Before deciding on each of the the aspects of the invitation to your company event, first define its identity and character well, and from there generate each action based on this. Is it a formal event? Will it have a relaxed and fun feel? What is the importance of its development in the future of the company? Certain aspects must determine the way in which you will have to present the invitation. Let us take a look.

Main picture: Markus Winkler en Unsplash

Invitation formats by types of event

The format is the first point of contact between the guest and the organiser. It will be the way in which the communication is received. You will not find novel or unfamiliar forms here, but the fundamental rationale behind each one of them.

Printed invitations

The printed invitation is the most common method of sending invitations to an event. It is the format which allows more concessions to creativity and is also considered the most formal way to make an invitation.

The design becomes extremely important, creating a wide range of possibilities and prices, from a simple invitation printed on conventional paper, to authentic works of art in large formats such as boxes and objects of all descriptions. However, it is also the most expensive. They are reserved for classic events and for a less digital savvy public.

  • Social events of a personal character.
  • Fashion events or those with a strong aesthetic content.
  • VIP and fund raising events.
  • Events with a commercial objective.
  • Events requiring formal confirmation using non digital means.
  • Conventions and conferences of sectors with a low digital profile.

Digital invitations

The digital invitation is the most economical format and also the most modern. The incorporation into the job market of successive generations who have grown up with internet has without doubt now made this means into the most frequently used for invitations to corporate events.  

This is not so however, with social events at a personal level. In this aspect, the guest still has a certain nostalgia for the past and retains in his mind the written format as being something more formal. 

In any case, this mindset is found less and less and will end up disappearing. Until that happens, the digital format usually demands more than one message to be sent for the invitation to an event. A first contact, a reminder and an email or two requesting confirmation of attendance. It is used overall in a corporate environment with a digital component.   

  • Large scale occasions such as musical or sports events.
  • Fairs, congresses and exhibitions.
  • Networking events.
  • Roadshows.
  • Internal corporate acts.
  • Team building activities.
  • Virtual events.
  • Events for highly digitalised sectors.

Handwritten invitations

Handwritten invitations have been practically erased from the collective imagination. They are time consuming and personal and are only reserved for events with a certain vintage or naïve feel.

How to word an invitation letter to a formal event

A blank sheet of paper can be deceiving. We try to draw up our invitation but in the end we just don´t make a start. For drafting the text of a letter of invitation to a formal event, we recommend that you consider the following questions, which are the same ones the user will ask:

  • Who are we?
  • Who are we inviting?
  • What act is being organised?
  • When will it be?
  • Where will it take place?
  • What does the guest have to do?

In this way and in this order, the manner in which we present and word the invitation to our formal event will come to us far more simply. We can begin to write, so that the following points will be covered:   

  • Name of the person invited.
  • Name of our company.
  • Name and nature of the act.
  • Day and time of the celebration.
  • Venue.
  • Confirmation of attendance if necessary; dress code… all actions the guest must consider to feel integrated into the event. 

Example of the wording of an invitation to an event

Below we give a completely ficticious example  of how the wording of an invitation to a formal or corporate event might look.

To the attention of Ángel Ábalos: 

It is with great pleasure that BoomServices Ltd. invites you to the twinning cocktail of hospitality companies in the Community of Castilla La Mancha, which will be held on March 28th at 2 p.m. in the Cuenca Auditorio theatre.  

To attend the event, please send us comfirmation by email to  eventos@hostelcuenca.com, indicating your name and company in the subject field.

We also remind you that a dress code has been agreed which requires jacket and tie.

We look forward to welcoming you with our other guests.

Best regards

As you can see, we have dealt with all the questions mentioned in the previous point, so the guest now has all the information necessary to attend the event if they wish.  

What kind of design should the invitation to the event have?

Now that we have the text drawn up, both in digital and physical format, we must be very careful with the design to offer the user attractive aesthetics and a style in accordance with the type of event we are staging. 

This invitation will be the first point of contact between the guest and the organiser. For this reason it is important that the initial effect is striking. The reaction of the user to our event will depend to a large extent on this first impression. It will bestow us with the necessary authority to understand that the event is an important one and will automatically associate certain values to the brand, which must of course be those that we wish to transmit.  

Are we a fun brand? Do we aim to project seriousness, professionalism, passion…?  It is not easy to project the corporate culture or the brand via an object without the necessary knowledge.Consequently, in this area it is important to collaborate with designers and art specialists who will confer our message with the appropriate character.   

In this pin from Pinterest, we offer you some design ideas for event invitations.

Pre-designed invitation cards for events; a good idea?

The use of invitation cards for events is a practice which we do not recommend at all. One of the aspects which we must take most care with – as it is the most appreciated among users – is that of identity. Having your own identity and a clearly defined character of the event is totally at odds with the use of this type of pre-designed and written invitations.

Moreover, this type of pre-designed templates are easily recognisable for the user and immediately convey a lack of seriousness and care. The event automatically becomes of little importance for the user.

These types of templates can be found in printing stores or on webs dedicated to this activity where they can be ordered in bulk. There are also predefined templates which users of the web have created in order to share them with the rest of the users. 

We unequivocally do not recommend these practices when referring to design. The writing is a different question. If we get stuck in front of a blank sheet of paper, it is not a bad solution to to seek help from a template in order to  generate the  text as this part can come after an invitation whose design has been produced exclusively.  

Slow travel as a MICE proposal for incentive trips and events

Stress and the frenetic pace of our daily lives prevent us more and more from enjoying good quality of life. Travelling is one of the leisure activities which allow us to escape from this reality and to enjoy to the full the cultures and landscapes of the world.     

Many people do not get the most out of their holidays as they are continually planning the accommodation and activities that they want to do. Slow travel arose from this situation, a highly recommended proposal which gives us a unique and conscious way of enjoying our trip

Photo by averie woodard at Unsplash

What is slow travel ? 

The new way of travelling known as “slow travel” concentrates on living a conscious and serene experience where the focus is on enjoying the present. The origins of slow travel come from the Italian slow food movement which developed as a protest against the emerging fast food chains in Europe during the 80s.  

From the perspective of tourism, this experience gives people the opportunity to discover and explore the culture of the destination in an authentic way.

How is it applicable to MICE tourism ?

This new way of travelling offers MICE companies and DMC agencies new possibilities to experience a high quality stay at accommodation which favours an atmosphere of tranquillity for their guests. 

The guest can opt for experiences which include accommodation only or in addition to this, various leisure services providing both quality and restfulness.

You can prepare this type of travel adapting the activities in accordance with the company preferences, choosing unique experiences which remain in the memory of the participants.

These types of experiences are perfect if your wish is to reward your team of workers with an incentive travel or organise a personalised trip where they can relax and enjoy a memorable holiday.

The benefits slow travel brings to the employee

Below we will speak about the number of benefits derived from choosing this slow travel philosophy to discover the world for a worker you either wish to reward or to offer a solution to in a particular moment, be it personal or professional.   

Disconnect from the digital world and discover yourself

This is the best opportunity for a worker to disconnect from the digital world and to enjoy the possibilities offered by slow travel. They will learn to value their time, be conscious of the present moment and the culture of the place they are in.  

Moreover, departing for an unknown destination will mean a great challenge for them. It is an experience which represents a complete change as all types of situations must be faced which are beyond our control and outside our comfort zone

It will be a rewarding experience which will make the individual appreciate the present moment and value the small things which make that place special.

Itineraries open to spontaneity and improvisation.

The travel itinerary can be personalised depending on preferences and circumstances, admitting modifications at will. In this way, unforgettable and exciting moments will be experienced but above all, the traveller will be able to modify the journey to their particular needs or interests.  

Travelling in this way also gives the opportunity to meet and have contact with a large circle of individuals, from local people to other travellers. Thanks to this, the traveller can immerse himself in the culture and way of life in the most authentic way possible, enriching his spiritual sense and discovering new ways to understand life and interpersonal relations.

To feel fulfilled by bringing value to the community

Part of the time can be dedicated to volunteer and community work, perhaps carrying out activities connected to our daily work, or different ones which allow us to completely disconnect.  As a result, the individual contributes to the improvement and development of the area by using his knowledge and skills, providing an enriching activity for both parts.  

What a DMC agency is and why your brand should hire one

When organising a corporate event, one of the possibilities we can opt for is to hire the services offered by a DMC agency.

A DMC (Destination Management Company) is a professional services company which assists its clients locally to meet the objectives established for its corporate events, acting in a particular destination. 

They offer a wide range of services specialising in design, delivery and logistic coordination for groups and events. All of this thanks to their extensive knowledge of the destination, along with solid experience and the resources at their disposal.

What services does a DMC offer us?

Depending on the type of services each DMC specialises in, we can group them into these four categories.

  • Programme design: These services include selection and booking of the venue and the organisation of the activities of the event including the decoration.
  • Logistics management: This includes the preparation of a chronology and timetable of events, booking the transport and even the arrivals  and departures of the guests. 
  • Mangement of suppliers: Consisting of the selection of suppliers and negotiation of their prices. 
  • Accounting: These services include the audit and payment of supplier invoices, financial negotiations and detailed client accounts.  

What is the value contributed by DMC agencies to the tourism sector?

After the pandemic caused by COVID-19, the tourist sector has suffered a tremendous setback. During this period, tourism was paralysed therefore making it impossible to have any economic growth in the sector. There is no doubt that the pandemic has and continues to threaten a sector which is vital for the economy of Spain although there are now forecasts for the recuperation of the sector, returning to levels which existed prior to the health crisis.  

New normality has brought with it an opportunity for the tourist sector. Therefore the DMC agencies represent an excellent option for event organisation and travel

In this respect, there is an increasing trend to opt for quality tourism, with this quality becoming a necessary feature in order to compete with other tourist destinations.

Why hire a DMC agency?

Working with a DMC agency offers several advantages for our company.   

There are two principal outstanding benefits: They are experts in the local area and specialists in the type of services they offer. Moreover, they guarantee that when we book any experience with them, we will be assured of receiving the highest level of service.   

Most DMCs have been running their travel businesses for decades, which allows them to create better travel experiences and to operate in a competitve market.

DMCs are without a doubt, a safe option to select and develop our business projects. 

A selection of DMC agencies in Spain

Below we offer a list of some DMC agencies in Spanish territory which stand out due to their success in the tourist sector.   

  • Spain DMCs
  • DMC- InTravel
  • Indigo DMC Group
  • MTZ Destination Management Company
  • Premium Incoming
  • lEventisimo DMC

It is also worth mentioning the Spain DMC Awards which recognise the effort and work put in by both the staff and companies that operate in the Meetings and Incentives Tourism sector. Every year, the DMC agencies that have developed their activity promoting Spain as a MICE destination receive an award. 

The future of DMC agencies

The possibilities offered by DMC agencies for the future tourist sector panorama are vital for economic and quality development.

It is certainly true that people can plan and make their travel arrangements independently with the help of internet but these agencies supply an extra level of quality and exclusivity through services such as risk management, updated information and quality control. With the aim of reducing the stress of travel planning, DMCs create itineraries and highly personalised tailor made packages.  

Multinationals and large companies all over the world hire DMC services for the organisation of the logistics and delivery of events, conventions, meetings or incentive trips. This allows them to have their own offices at the destination where the services will be rolled out, with a team of professionals at their disposal only for the time necessary to hold the event.   

We recommend that you opt for this type of company as you will receive specialised attention depending on your preferences and business objectives.

Photo by britt gaiser at Unsplash

How to write an invitation to a conference

If the success of a conference or a corporate event is measured, among other things, by the level of participation then attendance could be a a good yardstick to evaluate the preparatory communication work. Sending out the invitations, the format, the timings… are decisive for  the final success of a company or brand´s event. With this in mind, we would like to dedicate these lines to underlining the importance of the invitations with a brief guide on how to write an invitation to a conference.

What is an invitation letter to a conference ?

An invitation letter to a conference is a formal document where an individual or a company is informed of the organizer´s wish for the recipient to be present at the event.

There are many and varied types of invitation letters to these events which are usually characterised by the kind of event it is. So, which one is the most suitable? How must a conference invitation be drafted? Should we give a handwritten invitation to each guest? Can we tag people on social media? What will guarantee our success?

The invitation is a part of the event and must therefore reflect its nature. It must be produced with contagious enthusiasm and consequently not merely inform of practical details such as the name of the conference organizer or the address of the venue.  

We can send it via different channels , providing that they are suited to the character of the event. Post, email, social media or application…

Let us look at different types of invitation letters for events.

  • Handwritten. These are not common nowadays. They are reserved for special guests and are more suitable for smaller scale celebrations or very specific themed events. They are the most time-consuming and laborious.
  • Printed. These can be very creative with the input of a graphic designer or with the assistance of online templates currently available but these  three require a greater economic input.
  • Digital. These are both the cheapest and quickest, although as they are mass produced they may end up in the spam tray or similar if the email manager does not identify the sender correctly. A  point in their favour is the perception of modernity they offer as opposed to the old-fashioned paper method. In addition, this allows us to send reminders regularly and to follow up on the replies received. However, this may still be interpreted as slightly more informal for those who have not yet made the definitive cultural move to the digital world.
  • Those sent via social media or Apps created for the purpose deserve a special mention. Graphics of events from these platforms allow greater elaboration and ease of management of the invitations. The principal drawback is that the confirmation of attendance is still understood as lacking commitment and can increase the number of absences.

Foto de Glenn Carstens-Peters en Unsplash

Parts of an invitation letter to a conference

The invitation to a conference must answer several key questions: Who is the organizer? What is the topic to be addressed? Who is the speaker? Where and when will it be held? 

Invitations to attend a conference will have the following parts :

  • Name and surname of the person invited.
  • Title of the conference and a brief description.
  • Names of the organizers.
  • Date and time of the event.
  • Location of the venue and joining instructions.

Model letter for a conference invitation

A model example would be as follows:

Dear/Mr./Mrs./Ms. ______________

We are delighted to invite you to attend the conference  __________ given by Mr./Mrs/Ms. (name and position or profession)___________, which will be held on (date) _________ at (time)_______, in (address)_________.

We look forward to welcoming you and would be grateful if you could confirm your attendance before  (confirmation date)____________.

Yours sincerely,

(Name and signature of the event organizer)

Writing tips for an invitation letter

When drafting this type of letter the following advice should be taken into account:

  • Choose the appropriate language: A serious conference requires more formal language in the text of the invitation that the guests will receive. Lighthearted expressions should be left for other more informal occasions.
  • Use of templates: A good template makes up for the lack of a good graphic designer to produce a more profesional job if a good professional is not available.
  • Choosing the right moment to send the invitation: The date, location, size of the venue and the number of invitations must be considered. Sending them too soon may mean that the guests forget. The recommendation is to send them seven days before the date of the celebration, which is a reasonable time for them to organise their diaries and be able to attend the event.  
  • Send a reminder: Sending a reminder for the appointment one day before is usually very effective in avoiding last minute no shows due to forgetfulness or lack of commitment
  • Choosing conventional mail or email: If you opt for conventional mail, it is a good idea to add an envelope to confirm the  attendance of those invited. In this way it will be easier to receive the participant´s reply, which will allow us to know the number of guests who will attend. 

Increase the number of visitors to your conference

We have seen the details of an invitation letter to a conference and we have given an example of a model conference invitation letter. New technologies allow us to send digital invitations immediately to a large number of guests but we should consider other types of more traditional invitations 

At Grand Luxor Mice we have at our disposal the best facilities for the celebration of conferences and professional events of all types. Our team of professional experts in event organization will be pleased to advise you. Contact us.

Tips for organizing an outdoor event

The main value to make its mark on the success of a company is its human component. The well-being of the employees together with good internal communication are nowadays essential requirements for consolidating a good performance and working environment.

With the arrival of summer and the good weather, leisure activites are perfect for getting away from the four walls of the office to organize outdoor company events.

In order to plan these events, we are going to propose a series of activities and dynamics which we can put into practice. All of this will depend on the purpose and objectives we wish to achieve. 

Activities and events recommended for outdoor settings.

We propose a list of activities and events for companies which you can organise all year round where you can enjoy a pleasant day in the company of your employees.  

  • Team Building: Team building activities are perfect for improving problem solving capacities in teams.Each participant can contribute  their knowledge and skills collaboratively.  
  • Racing Building: Our proposal is for you to organize a go-kart race. There will be no shortage of adrenaline ! You will have to overcome several challenges which will put to the test your ability to handle a variety of problems and situations. Your employees will also enjoy the activity and create bonds of friendship with other co-workers.
  • Adventure activities: There are numerous adventure activities which can be staged in a natural setting where the aim is to improve the  skills and strengths of a working group. Of exceptional interest are the activities of hiking, obstacle courses, horse riding routes and climbing circuits. These are perfect activities to incentivize motivation and foster active listening for problem solving and challenges.
  • Conferences and celebrations: Go ahead and move your company conferences to a rural setting surrounded by nature. Make a real difference and benefit from the possibilities offered by an outdoor space.

Spaces for organizing outdoor events

Various locations can be chosen in order to plan these events. Both rural and urban settings are possible alternatives for organizing the events. Their organization and implementation will be different depending on the objective, resources and budget available.

If you decide to put on events and meetings in an urban location you can hire a range of establishments and private function rooms. These spaces  are a good option if you go for activities which do not involve a great deal of planning.

Events in a rural setting

Nature offers us a multitude of possibilities and benefits when staging outdoor activities. Choosing the space which adapts best to your needs is important to this kind or agritourism.

  • Gardens: Gardens are ideal places for holding events and celebrations in an authentic natural environment. You will be able to feel relaxed and immersed in nature. The perfect corporate events for this type of space are leisure activities, company dinners or training courses.  
  • Private estates: Private estates are another very versatile alternative as they usually have extensive areas of land which favour the celebration and planning of diverse events where there is a large volume of guests. Additionally,these spaces frequently offer a range of facilities which contribute extra value, among which we can mention golf courses, restaurants and spas. This is undoubtedly one of the best options if our intention is to organize a large scale event of an exclusive and prestigious nature.  
  •  Terraces and rooftops: If you opt for a terrace or rooftop to celebrate your company event, you will have an original and spacious setting where you can enjoy the best views of the city.Contemplating the sunset or taking in the nightime atmosphere of the city will be an unforgettable experience for your guests.  
  • Multi adventure spaces: Finally, we should mention the wide range of activities and adventure games we can programme in multi adventure spaces. Paintball, laser tag, minigolf, corporate treasure hunt, zipwire, climbing wall, dodgeball, archery tournament, boat racing. All of these are different activities which can be held away from the workplace sharing a full day with colleagues.  

How to decorate an open air event

The decor for events will play a decisive role when choosing the type of event or activity we want to celebrate. Before we start planning the event, it is fundamental that we decide on the style of the decoration as this aspect may have an effect on the choice of materials.   

Other innovation options as far as the decor style is concerned, are those concerning themed decorations. This can be used at all types of events and tends to depend on the tastes and fashions of the moment. Here you have some examples: events inspired by an epoch, a season, a character, a film etc. 

Corporate events are characterised by the use of unostentatious decorative elements which have a greater practical functionality. The furniture used for this type of events is often tall, such as bars or stools where guests can enjoy a drink, or tables with the capacity to accommodate many people.   

The decor will vary depending on the type of company organising the event, the objective of the event and the place where it is held.

Food and foodtrucks for outdoor events.

During the event, the guests will want to eat or drink something. Providing the service of diverse foodtrucks and food stalls is one of the latest trends in event catering.  

There are many advantages to be gained from this, in particular we can mention the economical aspect and the great variety of food and drink which we can offer to our guests.

Another option is to offer foodtrucks providing vegetarian food, or food prepared for specific diets and/or requirements.Alternatively, the choice can be for haute cuisine and exclusive dishes prepared by a chef.This is a different and innovative concept which will surprise and make your event stand out.  

One of the events which add value through a unique experience is a wine-tasting.

Enotourism is a great option for the sector of corporate events.   

If you decide to hire a catering service with a foodtruck, we assure you that your guests will enjoy the experience enormously. 

Lighting tips for outdoor events

The choice of lighting for planning outdoor events and activities is another key point to achieve a complete experience.

Selecting the type of lighting is a deciding factor.Depending on the kind of ambiance you wish to create, the light will not be the same.

With activities held outdoors,light and luminous spaces predominate in particular, these permit varying possibilities when organising events and meetings.Natural light offers several benefits, one of which is that of saving energy, apart from being useful in enhancing the aesthetics of a space.We spoke extensively about this in a previous article about sustainable events 

Using full spectrum lights allows us to benefit from the positive effects of natural light without the negative exposure of ultraviolet rays. 

Another trend in vogue is the use of warm lighting. It is possible to go for a warm ambiance by using specialist bulbs and equipment. This type of illumination is perfect for receiving guests on arrival, creating a more welcoming and intimate atmosphere. 

Lighting can be of great help in emphasizing certain decorative elements,managing to create greater space and comfort. The use of the corporate colours of the company is also very frequent in order to create an ambiance in accordance with the event.

Make sure your event is seen from a much more attractive and luminous perspective by choosing the lighting effects which best match your event. 

Gamification in events: Examples of a new way to train and motivate

It is no coincidence that in recent years, gamification at events has become common. Gone are the days of  classic corporate celebrations which in some cases even supposed an uncomfortable experience for some guests. The client and employee model has changed and with it a new system of event management has arrived.   

The rise of the world of video games in the last decade has completely changed the model in which users interact, modifying  passive behaviour stemming from classic audiovisual culture and moving to an attitude where the process of internalisation becomes more active.

The result of this is a user who has grown up with a learning system inspired on rewards, based on interaction in real time where each setback represents just another stage in the learning process. A system which moreover, gradually establishes challenges of increasing  degrees of difficulty and where the assimilation of each concept is associated to an increase in complexity. Gamification meets the needs of this new client-employee profile. 

What is gamification ?

Gamification is a learning technique which transposes the mechanics of games to the processes of education and training. In this way, the aim is to achieve better results by means of a motivational system which sets modest targets and which offers rewards for obtaining them. 

Gamification has gained great popularity in recent years by being applied not only in the sphere of education but also in many other professional sectors such as the world of business, human resources, publicity, marketing and events. 

Gamification in corporate events 

Just as the individual evolves as a user, he also does so as a worker, which is why the culture of gamification is present in companies too. Under the structure previously mentioned a corporate process is supported whereby the worker maintains motivation thanks to a process of challenging experiences which foment competitiveness, the search for excellence or the recognition of his superiors. 

This system establishes objectives or defined bases which the worker knows from the beginning. Using a scoring system, his accomplishments  are rewarded and milestones are set up to measure his performance.

Gamification in Marketing and Advertising

The world of marketing, sales and advertising is the perfect corporate setting for establishing gamification systems. Habitually working to targets and with clearly measurable milestones such as in sales, invoicing, client acquisition…..This is the perfect breeding ground for a gamification system among employees which fosters healthy competition, a better working atmosphere, better work performance and a retribution system based on objectives and commissions.  

Examples of gamification in events

In order to understand the concept, let us apply a practical approach by looking at gamification examples in corporate events, both with  members of the same company and with members of the public. 

  • Carry out a test on the features of a product in a showroom can be an incentive to learn.
  • Competition for improvement proposals .What if an internal corporate event were the perfect pretext for an innovation workshop ?
  • Scoring the interactions of the attendees on social networks. Rewarding the mentions on different social networks, labels, use of hashtags, photos or videos is a way of increasing the visibility of your event. 
  • A seminar for knowledge acquisition.The attendees of a seminar could assimilate knowledge with greater motivation knowing that a reward in the form of recognition from their coleagues exists
  • List of milestones at a fair or exhibition. Visit stands and collect points based on the actions carried out at a fair can be a good incentive 
  • Accumulate points in your Team Building activities. Your employees can try to obtain the favour of the rest of their colleagues by means of a reward system for collaboration.

These are just some quick ideas of gamification examples in events.Their purpose is for you to perceive how, by means of a fun reward system, you can foment certain actions among the attendees of your event. From this point on, the limit is your capacity for inventiveness.

Foto de Priscilla Du Preez en Unsplash

Wine tourism: An appealing factor for the MICE sector

In the last few years, Spain and MICE tourism have found in the field of wine tourism the perfect attraction for a professional public also interested in wine and gastronomy. The trend to be interpreted is an upward one in the Spanish sector, which has taken off vigorously since the Covid 19 crisis, a trend which is expected to grow further in the coming years.  

The quality and popularity of Spanish wines abroad along with the liking for this sector in the national market, has allowed enotourism to stand out as an attractive option for corporate events for both Spanish and overseas clients  

What is wine tourism ?

Wine tourism , or enotourism is a tourist activity focused on bringing the tourist close to its origin, discovering the dimensions and activities of the vineyards, learning about its production process, understanding its cultural, historical and natural context, and getting to know the product at first hand in both its gastronomic and geographical setting. 

Enotourism embraces a series of leisure and cultural activities which allow the user to approach the world of wine and its history and traditions of the area where it is produced, defining the winery in a general context which explains its existence.

What are the activities of Wine Tourism?

The most common activity in enotourism is the visit to vineyards and wineries where the wine is produced, later to be served at a wine tasting or festival where the tourist can try not only  each of the wines but also understand the product in depth through its aroma and taste.  

In this way we can discern two phases in wine tourism : that which embraces the product from its origin and production (visits to the vineyards or tours of the wineries) and that which admires the final product (tastings, festivals or private sales) 

Enotourism in the MICE sector

In certain geographical areas of Spain, enoturism is an activity increasingly in demand in the sector of company events, fairs and congresses on both national and international levels. This is particulary so knowing the incomparable setting which the geography of Spain represents for the wine sector: leader in surface are of vineyards (more than 15% of global total) , third country in volume of production and third also in volume of exports. 

It is no surprise to affirm that in the national territory and above all abroad, a strong demand exists for these types of activities, and which the MICE sector can promote by generating a winning combination of both sectors. 

It can do this not only under the umbrella of a culture of gastronomy admired and in demand all over the world , but also by bearing the standard of an example of sustainable economy which in addition favours the development of rural communities and gives an impulse to the local economy. 

This fact is especially important in an area like the Costa Blanca, posessing a great wine-producing tradition in the rural setting of the Baix  Vinalopó, with the Monastrell grape, and in the Marina area with the Moscatel grape. 

Promoting wine tourism via the MICE sector and viceversa , not only improves one´s knowledge of the rural environment of Alicante but it also develops the “ground zero“ or proximity, key for a sustainable economy.