Organising an event in the Costa Blanca

Choosing the right place to hold a corporate event is essential to convey the desired corporate image to the participants. A place that matches the values and expectations of the brand might result in the event having a bigger impact, and increase the credibility that users, workers or customers give it. 

Moreover, creating the right atmosphere in the event favours effective communication, networking and the formation of long-lasting relationships between the company and the participants. So, this is not just a logistical choice, it should also be thought of as an extension of the corporate identity, which will improve or impair the public perception of the organisation.

Holding a corporate event in the Costa Blanca might be a different strategy for your brand. This location not only provides you with a picturesque setting with its bright coastline, it also provides a symbolic value, associated with innovation, leisure and the quality of life. 

The Costa Blanca, ideal MICE destination

The Costa Blanca is a well-known tourist area in the province of Alicante, on the east coast of Spain, beside the Mediterranean Sea. Its name “Costa Blanca” comes from the white sand beaches that are one of the most attractive features of the region, The area is famous for its pleasant climate right through the year, with more than 300 days of sunshine and mild temperatures, which makes it a very popular tourist destination for national and international visitors.

There are a number of towns and cities in this part of the Alicante coastline, including popular destinations like Benidorm, known for its exciting leisure options and skyscrapers; Alicante, the capital of the province, with its famous promenade and the fortress of the Santa Bárbara Castle; and charming towns such as Altea, Jávea and Denia. The region is also famous for its gastronomy, where the Mediterranean diet, a wide variety of fish, rice dishes and wines from the area are a fundamental part of its culinary delights.

Ifach Rock in Calpe

The combination of beautiful beaches, rich culture, modern infrastructures and a wide range of services make it an attractive place to organise corporate events and conferences, by creating a relaxing and luxurious atmosphere that can be extremely beneficial for companies that want to improve their image and make connections in a professional but pleasant environment.

Picture: Eduardo Kenji Amorim en Unsplash

Main opportunities of the Costa Blanca to organise a corporate event

There are certain features of the Costa Blanca, characteristics that make it the ideal destination to organise corporate events, congresses, trade fairs or product presentations, among many other events of the MICE network.

  • A lovely location with the ideal climate. The Costa Blanca is not only famous for its natural beauty, but also for its exceptional climate. With an annual average temperature of 18-20°C and more than 320 days of sun a year, it creates the ideal atmosphere for events at any time of the year and with a very low level of uncertainty.
  • Convenient accessibility. The region is easily accessible from anywhere else in Europe and the world thanks to Alicante Airport and it has a good network of roads and trains. This favours the transport logistics for international and national participants.
  • With a long tourism tradition, the Costa Blanca has a top quality hospitality and service infrastructure, which guarantees a convenient and professional experience for the participants.
  • The Costa Blanca has world-class cuisine. In fact, there are 12 restaurants in the whole of the Alicante province, which, among all of them, have been awarded 16 Michelin stars in 2023.
  • There is a diversity of outdoor tourist and sports activities available, from large golf courses, water sports and cultural tours, to culinary experiences, which are ideal for team building programmes or additional entertainment.
  • Networking potential. The popularity of the region attracts a wide range of professionals and businesses, so there are unique networking opportunities along with the possibility to make contacts with leaders from the industry and other professionals.

MICE areas in the Costa Blanca

Any activity that you would like to organise for your company, outstanding product presentations, gymkhanas, incentive trips, work sessions, brunches, company dinners, seminars, photo shoots, team building activities, filming advertisements or films… they can all be perfectly accommodated in our venues for events at Grand Luxor Business & Events. We have places for unique events to make sure that your incentive programme, team building activity, marketing or customer loyalty activities are a great success. We have innovative and different incentives with a huge range of original themes available to adapt the games and gymkhanas to all the activities.

Grand Luxor Hotel Business & Events is the exclusive area of the Grand Luxor Hotel in Benidorm to organise corporate events and social celebrations. It is located beside the Terra Mítica theme park, and there is access to it and the car parks there. This park is based on some of the main classic Mediterranean cultures, it is an area that recreates a melting pot of cultures perfectly: the Egypt of the pharaohs, the Roman coliseum, the buildings of classic Greece, a typical busy Iberian fishing harbour, a Valencian village from the 17th and 18th centuries or a traditional Moorish medina next to a recreation of the Patio de Arrayanes (Court of the Myrtles) of La Alhambra in Granada.

The Roman Colosseum in Terra Mitica

The event venues have settings that can be changed according to the technical and artistic requirements of each activity. The Roman Coliseum, the Egyptian lake, the Iberian beach can be transformed. Any area of the Park is feasible to organise an event. 

We specialise in creating venues for events, we custom design any type of event, which is intended to create excitement and achieve a high degree of satisfaction among your customers. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us by filling in the form and we will provide you with our team of professionals to make your next event a flawless success.

Keys to organise a successful digital marketing event

From the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have seen an unprecedented acceleration of a world that was already on an upward trajectory, like that of online businesses. There has been a boom in the demand of users to satisfy their consumer needs in the digital environment, and even small companies have had to adapt to the digital platforms to broaden their scope and meet this demand. In view of the current panorama, many companies are faced with a huge challenge, particularly the small and medium sized firms, which lack in-depth knowledge about digital marketing.

To address this knowledge gap, these small companies are actively searching for information and training on digital tools and emerging trends. Their objective is to develop and strengthen their presence online in an effective and strategic way. 

This scenario is a unique opportunity for companies that specialise in digital marketing, because they can make the most of this situation of having to constantly look for information in this field. By organising events on the matter that they specialise in, they can acquire a better reputation or find, among the participants of these events, new customers to supply their services to. 

Picture: Teemu Paananen en Unsplash

How can a digital marketing event that really works be organised?

If you are planning on organising a digital marketing event, it is essential to realise that it takes much more than just having any type of approach. You must be aware of the fact that your most interesting audience is the one that has the greatest purchasing power and budget, which will basically be made up of professionals that will critically evaluate the content and the quality of your pitch. Therefore, this event might have a significant impact on how your company is perceived, for better or for worse. 

A well-executed event that has valuable content can improve the reputation of your company, and establish it as a thought leader in the industry. On the other hand, a badly planned event or one that is irrelevant might damage your corporate image. Therefore, it is essential to pay special attention to the relevance and the quality of the content that you supply and the way that you show it. Here are the keys to make your event a real success and ensure that it is a great experience for your audience:


  • Clearly establish the objectives of the event and act accordingly: Does the event have one single purpose to educate, or is value generation the way to obtain a certain number of leads? Do you want to increase the brand visibility in a specific professional group? As a result of the success, have you closed deals with a number of customers right there? Establish objectives that enable you to focus your decisions in this direction and gauge the success of your event afterwards.
  • Identify and understand your target audience: What do they expect and need to learn or experience? Having extensive knowledge about your target audience helps to make the right decisions in line with their tastes and needs. 

The date of the event

  • Choose a date that does not coincide with other events that are important in your industry. This is especially relevant if it is a new event or still small. If this is the case, coinciding with a leading event would destroy our expectations. 
  • Assess the dates of other events that are important for your target audience as well, even if they are not necessarily the same type of event as that of your brand. 

The venue

  • If it is an in-person event, choose a suitable place that is accessible for your audience. It must be somewhere that is easy to access, which has a car park and a public transport infrastructure. 
  • The size is also relevant. A place that is too small might become overcrowded due to the lack of space, while somewhere that is too big might create a feeling of emptiness and a lack of interest. The comfort of your target audience not only guarantees their satisfaction, but it also enhances the professionalism and the image of your event
  • The decoration says a lot about your brand. It is essential that the venue where you hold your event is decorated appropriately, so that it doesn’t look too “bare”. Well-thought-out decoration can significantly improve the atmosphere of the event. Choose accessories that are aesthetically pleasing without saturating the space. These elements must complement the setting, and add a distinctive and welcoming touch, but without being overwhelming.
  • The lighting is important because it has a key role in creating the right atmosphere for your event. It is essential to find a balance between effective and agreeable lighting in the central area of the event and a more subtle and softer lighting in specific areas that you want to highlight. This balance will help create a comfortable and cosy atmosphere. Avoid the excessive use of lights and spotlights, seeing as this not only produces excess heat, it also creates a sense of overexposure among your target audience. Lighting must complement and enhance the space not dominate it, so that the participants feel relaxed and can focus on the content of the event. Well-planned lighting can significantly improve the experience of the event, contributing to a pleasant and professional atmosphere.
  • Make sure the venue is equipped with the necessary technology, especially for virtual or hybrid events (streaming platforms, microphones, cameras, etc.).
  • When it comes to events related to the digital world, nowadays it is unthinkable to not to have a hybrid: in-person and digital event all at the same time.  Not only does it broaden the scope of your event, it also makes it more inclusive and adaptable to different situations. It is important to be aware of the fact that the online experience is not the same as the in-person experience, but that does not decrease its value. A carefully-planned and well-executed online event can be just as enriching and appealing. Furthermore, in today’s context, the majority of people have adapted themselves to attend events and conferences virtually, partly thanks to the changes that have been made due to the pandemic. 
  • For virtual events, choose a stable and user-friendly platform, which is the way in which we calculate accessibility in a digital environment.
  • Do technical tests beforehand to make sure that there are no problems during the event. Faulty technology is one of the biggest nightmares of a speaker. Although at Grand Luxor Business & Events we always make sure that everything works perfectly, a presentation uploaded to the cloud or that is incompatible with the system might turn out to be a difficult setback to overcome.

The promotion

  • Use different channels to promote the event, such as social media, email marketing, advertising, guest influencers… 
  • Make sure that all the advertising and marketing includes vital information: the date and the time of the event, platform or the place (if it is hybrid), registration instructions, and contact details for enquiries. 
  • If the event is also online, provide clear instructions on how to access or download any software that is required. 
  • Also consider the option of providing participants with benefits during or after the event. This might include access to exclusive material, networking opportunities, or discounts in future events or products. In this way, participants will be more motivated to come. 
  • Use an easy registration system, which is intuitive and efficient, as well as a safe online payment gateway to buy entry tickets, if participants have to pay for the event.
  • Keep in touch with the participants continually before, during and after the event. 
  • In the messages sent before the event, prepare your target audience for what is going to happen during it. Create positive anticipation and expectations, but be realistic when it comes to what you promise. Do not commit yourself to anything that you won’t be able to comply with, because not meeting expectations might damage your brand perception and the trust of your target audience. Instead, focus on creating an authentic and valuable experience that is a reflection of your company, to therefore improve the image that you want to convey.

Holding the event and content

  • Design an interesting programme with relevant subject matters for your target audience, have speakers or presenters that are well-known experts and good communicators. 
  • The harmony between an appropriate space and quality content is essential so that your target audience has the best experience possible. Your speech and that of your speakers must meet the expectations of the participants. So, do some research beforehand on the subject matters and the data that is the most interesting for them, making sure that you provide them with content that satisfies their needs and their interests.
  • Plan the flow of the event, including an efficient registration system, sessions that are not too long, reasonable breaks and with catering if this is required due to the schedule. 
  • Fit out the rest areas so that they are pleasant and favour networking tasks. 
  • Coordinate or hire someone to coordinate the personnel and the volunteers to manage the different aspects of the event that you want to keep track of.
  • Look for sponsors or collaborators that can add value to the event and whose values are in line with the values of your event and brand. 
  • When it comes to showing your corporate image, make it subtle so that it is in line with the general decoration, making sure that the target audience can identify with the spirit of the event and the essence of your company. The key is to have a balance between the aesthetics and the features, creating an environment that represents your brand and that of your sponsors, which is also appealing and convenient for the participants. Not only does this enhance the corporate identity, it also helps create a more immersive and professional atmosphere.
  • Consider sustainable practices in the organisation of the event: in the material that is available, the catering objects, the electricity consumption. It might also be a good idea to incorporate corporate social responsibility elements as long as these are not forced.

After the event

  • Send thank you emails. These must be personalised, acknowledging the participation of the target audience and expressing gratitude. 
  • To add value, summaries of the event, links to recordings or material that was presented, or even an invitation to future events can be included in the emails. This approach not only shows appreciation, it also keeps participants interested in the brand or the company.
  • Get feedback from the participants and the speakers as well to improve in future events. These surveys must be designed to be brief and direct, and also cover the key aspects that you want to know about to find out what the participants thought about the event. 
  • Analyse the data obtained during the event.  This includes metrics such as the attendance rates, levels of participation, interaction during the event and the behaviour of the participants both in-person and hybrid. This analysis helps understand the preferences and the behaviour of the target audience better, which is essential to fine-tune future strategies and make sure that the next events are even more successful.

Where can the right place for a marketing event be found?

Finding the ideal place for a marketing event might be a challenge, especially when a balance between the practically and the desired atmosphere is required. At Grand Luxor Hotel, we know that it isn’t an easy process and that it takes time to choose the right place, which is why we have a wide range of places available that have been adapted to a variety of needs and preferences. 

Whether you are looking for an intimate atmosphere for a small event, a large area for a big meeting, elegant charming indoor or outdoor areas, we have options for each occasion.

Furthermore, our team is ready to work with you and help you choose the perfect place and make sure that all the details are provided for. You can be sure that your event will convey the values that your company stands for.

Neuromarketing to transform your corporate events

In the changing world of corporate events, creating memorable experiences is essential to stand out in an impact saturated world. This is where neuromarketing comes into play; it is a discipline that combines neuroscience with marketing to use the studies on how the human mind works in the interests of our brand. This growing trend has become a powerful tool that helps many companies organise events that are not only more impressive but also more effective. Let’s see how neuromarketing can transform just another corporate event into a memorable occasion. 

Picture: Product School en Unsplash

What is neuromarketing?

Neuromarketing is a discipline that combines the techniques of neuroscience with marketing strategies. It is based on the study of how the human brain responds to advertising and brand stimuli, in order to understand the purchasing decisions and the emotions associated with them. 

The main idea behind neuromarketing is that, if companies get a better understanding of the unconscious motivation and the emotional responses of their customers, they can design more effective marketing strategies. Instead of only basing themselves on surveys or focus groups, which often depend on self-assessment and might not be completely accurate, neuromarketing looks for answers in the source: the human brain.

This discipline is not only used in the field of advertising or purchase decisions, it is also becoming a useful tool for numerous sectors, including the MICE sector and the organisation of corporate events. In this way, through certain stimuli, brands can connect with their target audience in a deeper and more genuine way.

Real uses of neuromarketing 

Neuromarketing has been used in a wide variety of fields and applications in different areas such as advertising, entertainment or politics. Here are some examples of how companies and brands have implemented neuromarketing techniques to improve their persuasion and sales strategies, based on data about human behaviour.

  • Packaging design: Companies, especially in the consumer goods sector, have used eye-tracking to determine what elements of packaging capture the attention of the consumer first and for how long. In this way, there are increasingly more appealing packaging designs that stand out on the store shelves.
  • Advertising: Historically, brands have used studies based on encephalograms to determine the brain response of the viewers to different advertisements. This enables them to determine which parts of the advertisement are more exciting or memorable, and which parts might need changing.
  • Experience in stores: You can easily see how physical stores have experimented with specific scents and music, based on neuromarketing research that shows how certain smells or sounds might encourage the consumers to stay longer in the store or even spend more.
  • Website design and UX (user experience): Eye tracking is a very common practice used to analyse how users browse around a website. This helps identify the areas that get the attention of the users most and the order in which they browse around the content. By doing so, brands can adapt their content to the general behaviour of their customer.
  • Product testing: Before launching a new product, some companies carry out technical tests such as magnetic resonance imaging, on users to see which areas of the brain are activated when consumers interact with the product in question.
  • Multimedia content: In turn, entertainment businesses have used neuromarketing to evaluate the emotional response of the audience to films or TV programmes; so that adjustments can be made before they are launched definitively.
  • Music in adverts: Studies are carried out on how music makes it easier to remember an advertisement and favours the customer’s positive perception of the brand. Choosing the right music can trigger the required brain responses, which makes their adverts more effective. 
  • Politics: Although it might be controversial, some politicians and political parties have used neuromarketing techniques to evaluate the responses of the voters to their speeches or campaign advertisements.

Possible uses of neuromarketing in corporate events 

Implementing neuromarketing in corporate events might help persuade your audience and find out about their behaviour. This is how we can determine whether our work has been positive and then act accordingly. To this end, neuromarketing has various uses when it comes to organising a corporate event: 

  • Selection of music and sound: According to research that shows how certain types of music or sound can affect the listener’s mood and energy, the right atmosphere can be created for the event, whether it is energizing to launch a product or relaxing for an educational talk.
  • Lighting and colours: Using the knowledge about how different colours and intensities of light affect emotions and the concentration to create an atmosphere that favours participation and engagement.
  • Feedback in real time: Set up wearable devices that measure bioindicators such as the heart rate or the skin conductance. This would enable the organisers to obtain immediate feedback about the reactions of those participating in different parts of the event.
  • Smells and aromas: Just like with music, certain aromas can have specific effects on the mood and perception. Including specific aromas in the event might improve the overall experience and make a long-lasting impression.
  • Networking and group activities: By understanding how people react to different group dynamics, networking activities can be designed to maximize interaction and positive exchange.
  • Post-event: After the event, the surveys combined with neuromarketing techniques, such as eye tracking on visual materials or analysing expressions when the event is remembered, might provide a more complete picture about what worked and what could be improved.

Neuromarketing in the MICE sector: A glimpse into the future

The MICE world (Meetings, Incentives, Conferencing, and Exhibitions) focuses on creating unique and memorable experiences for the participants. As the industry evolves, the expectations for more customised and emotionally resonant events continue to grow. In this context, neuromarketing becomes a powerful and promising tool.

Neuromarketing, as it unravels the mysteries of the human brain and its response to different stimuli, provides an unprecedented opportunity to come up with events that really connect with the participants. By going beyond conscious responses and exploring the terrain of subconscious reactions, the organisers might actually understand what really moves, thrills and motivates their audience.

As technology advances and the neuromarketing tools become more accessible, it is highly likely that they will be used increasingly more in the MICE sector. Let’s imagine events where each detail, from the light and the sound to the interaction dynamics, are all meticulously designed according to neuroscientific data, which guarantees that experiences will make a tremendous impact.

Agritourism in corporate events: From the office to the countryside

In today’s business world, where innovation and adaptability are essential, companies are constantly looking for ways to reinvent their strategies and approaches. One of these innovations is the turn that some companies are already taking towards agritourism in their corporate events, incentive trips, team building activities, etc. 

Why limit yourself to the walls of an office or a conventional conference hall when the vast and serene countryside provides you with a unique setting? In this post we encourage you to explore and discover how the rural environment not only enriches the experience, but also enhances creativity, team cohesion and sustainability in the business world.

Picture: Dylan Gillis en Unsplash

The rural MICE, against the monotony of classic events

The MICE industry (Meetings, Incentives, Conferencing, and Exhibitions) has boomed in the last few decades. So much so, that we are now even going through a certain saturation in the way in which corporate events are organised. Apart from the brands that suddenly come up with a show of refreshing creativity, the fact is that many events end up being predictable, as if they were launched robotically, without being able to surprise or get the participants actively involved, because they have become used to a constant dynamic of having to take part in and experiencing the events. Naturally, this repetitiveness ends up diminishing the enthusiasm and the interest of the participants, which leads to less user or customer brand loyalty and awareness.

In this scenario, agritourism is like a breath of fresh air, it is an appealing alternative. Natural landscape, small remote villages, restored farmhouses, a cabin in the woods or a country estate have all become the attractions of some companies to provide their employees, partners or customers with a new incentive. The MICE agritourism not only provides a change of scenery, it also opens up a wide range of possibilities: from outdoor workshops to group dynamics in natural environments. These new activities might favour a change of mind that results in new ideas, it strengthens the cohesiveness of the members of a team and it enriches any activity that is related to the MICE sector with unique and memorable experiences.

Benefits of the agritourism business

Knowing that there is a rural alternative to the classic business tourism, now let’s ask ourselves: what are the advantages and the benefits of choosing a rural environment for a corporate event? There are tangible and intangible benefits to be enjoyed by your company and those taking part in your event.

  • It involves really connecting with Nature: The natural environment helps to get away from all the noise and the stress of the city, it lets the participants focus on the event and its objectives with a clear and relaxed mind.
  • Fewer distractions: As they are far away from the hustle and bustle of urban life, there are fewer distractions in rural environments, which might increase the productivity and the participants’ focus during the event.
  • It can favour creative stimuli: The rural landscape, the mental silence and the tranquillity of the countryside might be a source of inspiration, which promotes creativity and innovative thinking.
  • It strengthens relationships and it favours team work: The outdoor activities, such as hiking or group dynamics in natural environments, can improve team cohesion and promote collaboration. This will directly lead to a better work environment.
  • The versatility of spaces: From meeting rooms in old farmhouses to outdoor areas, the rural environment has a variety of unique places that can be adapted to different types of events.
  • It is a sustainable activity: Choosing a rural setting usually involves a smaller environmental footprint, and it might contribute to the economic development of local communities.
  • We offer health and well-being to our guests: The fresh air, the open spaces and the chance to do physical activity in nature might have a positive impact on the physical and mental well-being of the participants.
  • Great value for money: Prices are often more competitive in rural regions than the conventional urban areas, which might help the company save money.

Tips to organise a corporate event in a rural environment

Here are a few tips that will help you guarantee that your corporate event in a rural setting is a success and memorable experience for all the participants.

  • It has to be easily accessible bearing in mind the transport connections and the distance from the main cities or airports.
  • It must have the necessary infrastructure to carry out the activity, such as conference rooms, projectors, internet connection, etc.
  • There must be accommodation available or, at least, accommodation options nearby where the participants can stay. Take the capacity and the quality of the facilities into account.
  • Make sure, insofar as it is possible, that the weather is suitable for the event, especially if it is outdoors.
  • Make sure that the event does not have a negative impact on the environment, especially in terms of waste and noise.  
  • It has to be a safe area where the participants are not in any danger, especially if the event is held in a remote location.

Rural settings for MICE events close to Benidorm

Although Benidorm is world famous for its beaches and skyscrapers, the fact is that it is surrounded by stunning natural scenery and rural areas that might be ideal for corporate activities. There are options close to our Grand Luxor Business & Events hotel where activities in rural settings can be organised:

  • Sierra Helada (Serra Gelada): This is a natural park that is located between Benidorm, l’Alfàs del Pi and Altea. It is ideal for hiking and it has panoramic views of the Mediterranean. The hiking routes can be an excellent team building activity.
  • Guadalest: About 30 minutes away from Benidorm by car, this small town is famous for its castle and the impressive views of the Guadalest reservoir. It is the perfect place for day excursions, cultural visits and outdoor workshops.
  • Las Fuentes del Algar: Located near Callosa d’En Sarrià, these natural waterfalls create a refreshing environment for outdoor and team building activities. Participants can enjoy a swim in the natural pools.
  • Canelobre Caves: Located in Busot, about 40 minutes away from Benidorm, these caves are one of the main geological attractions of the area. They might be the perfect setting for a memorable and different activity.
  • Vall de Ebo: This is a quiet rural area, ideal for outdoor activities such as cycling, hiking or corporate picnics.

After a day full of activities in the countryside, participants can return to the comfort and the amenities of the Grand Luxor Business & Events hotel in Benidorm. We think that this combination of nature and luxury guarantees a unique and memorable experience for all the participants.

The MICE agritourism, an option to bear in mind

In a world that is saturated with information, the impact of advertising and in-person events, it is worthwhile looking beyond the classic venues. The MICE agritourism is an alternative that is full of possibilities, where nature, culture and authenticity take the centre stage. Whether it is for a private team meeting, a large congress or an incentive trip, the rural environment provides a setting that favours creativity, it strengthens ties and it promotes sustainability. It is time to consider agritourism not only as an option, but also as an opportunity to enrich and revitalize the MICE world.

Corporate incentive trips: Motivation and Rewards

The corporate incentive trips are effective resources that many companies use as a motivation and reward tool for employees, teams, partners, etc. 

Indeed the incentive based on a wage increase or the inclusion of a certain bonus in a specific pay check is the most common incentive used in the business world, however, this alternative also exists, where the individual is rewarded with a personal and memorable experience.

In this article we will cover everything related to corporate incentive trips, benefits, disadvantages… as well as the ideal way to organise them to attain our corporate objectives with an effective motivating strategy.

Foto de Gerrie van der Walt en Unsplash

What does a corporate incentive trip consist in?

The corporate incentive trips are trips that companies offer their employees as a reward for their good performance at work. These rewards are intended to motivate and reward employees according to their achievements, their constant hard work or attaining specific objectives. 

There are certain key features that define the corporate incentive trips:

  • The objective is to motivate the employee with a trip: When the employee is offered this type of incentive, they try to attain specific objectives or achievements, knowing that they will get rewarded for this.
  • It is an exclusive experience: Generally, they are trips in which participants have certain experiences or that, given their characteristics, are exclusive because they would be expensive or could not be acquired in any other way. Luxury destinations, special activities, taking part in certain events, slow travel
  • They are customised: They are usually designed in accordance with the preferences or the specific characteristics of the people rewarded, which means the destination, the activities, dates, etc. are customised.
  • It is a public acknowledgement of the achievements of the employee or the team. In fact, in some cases they are even awarded or preceded by some type of celebration or ceremony where the success of the people involved is highlighted.

 What are the benefits of organising corporate incentive trips?

This type of corporate incentive trip is organised to get a number of benefits, not only for the employees, but also for the company itself. The main ones are listed below: 

  • Increase the motivation of the employees and their commitment to the company, by seeing that their hard work and merits are rewarded.
  • Improved employee performance, they put more effort into their work and they are more determined to attain the objectives set, in order to get their reward.
  • Have employees who are more motivated and do their job better, which directly results in an increase in the company’s productivity.
  • Retain talent and the best employees, who see how their productivity and success is rewarded and, therefore, they feel comfortable in the company.
  • Competitive differentiation by offering an attractive and ambitious incentive system that other companies do not have.
  • Better work environment. The incentive trips are often offered to various employees, who strengthen their bonds on the trips, and this contributes to a better work environment.
  • Those that benefit from the incentive trips develop new skills that, on many occasions, involve activities or acquiring new knowledge that might improve them professionally and personally.
  • If the incentive programmes are offered to business partners or customers, they improve the loyalty of these partners, which also consolidates the professional relationship.
  • This all leads to an improved image of the company, where its employees and partners feel happy with their relationship with it, and they become its best opinion leaders.

Disadvantages of the corporate incentive trips

Although there are many obvious advantages, there are a few disadvantages or challenges to take into account when it comes to implementing an incentive trip in the company. They are as follows:

  • The company has to invest time and money into organising them. This investment will depend on the number of employees who are going to be rewarded with this type of trip, along with the cost of the trips.
  • It might cause jealousy: Employees who are not rewarded might feel bad or unfairly treated, which would lead to low morale in the workplace.
  • The challenge of selecting the employees who are going to be rewarded might be a delicate process. That is why; it is a good idea to always establish quantifiable objectives that everyone can recognise easily when it comes to awarding incentives.
  • If the trips are not organised and managed properly, what might have started off as being a reward for the employee could end up being a bad experience.

Ideally how long should a corporate incentive trip last?

The company should always be the one to decide on how long a trip lasts and the conditions of the related rewards based on the knowledge and the opinion of its employees, its own brand and, in general, what they consider to be positive for each case. In any event, here are a few ideas about how long an incentive trip should last ideally.

  • Between 2 and 5 days is a good amount of time. It is enough to reward the employee and not too long to be a setback for the daily activities of the company or the workmates.
  • The budget available for the trip can also effect the duration of it.
  • There must be a certain amount of flexibility in the duration of the trip, in this way, the employee who has been rewarded the trip can also adjust it to their availability or their wishes.
  • Much better if it takes place on work days. Firstly, because the reward is supposed to be a rest from their normal activities at work. Furthermore, if it is on the weekend, the employee might find inconveniences, such as availability or they might feel that the trip cuts into their free time (turning a reward into a setback).
  • If activities are available, it must be with a loose agenda. If it isn’t, what is meant to be a relaxing trip would turn out to be an exhausting list of engagements that would be very stressful.
  • The needs of the rewarded employees must be taken into account. It should be a gratifying experience, so, it should adapt to the preferences of the employee or the partner who has been rewarded.

How to choose the ideal filming location to rent

When it comes to any type of audio-visual production, it is important to choose the right filming location. And not only so that it is suitable for the foreseen setting (it might be a customizable indoor area), but also to make sure that it meets a set of requirements that are essential to do the work involved. 

This post deals with the matters that have to be taken into account when choosing a professional filming location; somewhere that meets the needs of the film crew and the work that has to be done, which also guarantees a positive experience on set. 

Picture: Brands&People en Unsplash

What should I bear in mind when it comes to choosing a filming location?

Whether it is to make films, advertisements, a series or small productions for social media channels, there are a few points that have to be taken into account.

  • What are the requirements of the scene? Is it an open area? Do we need a set, a house, a studio…? What should the lighting be like or any other relevant feature? Clearly define the needs before starting to look for locations.
  • Luckily, at Grand Luxor Mice we have small and large areas, which can be adapted to almost any budget. You should also bear in mind that the cost of renting filming locations varies considerably. There is a very big difference between a small space indoors and a large area outside for wide shots or big productions.
  • The geographic location is crucial in many cases. First of all, obviously, when it comes to the scenery outdoors and also with the natural light, which is different according to the city that you are in, especially in coastal areas. Lastly, bear in mind the different climates. If you need rain, look for locations in the north of Spain; if you want guaranteed sun, the province of Alicante is the place for you.
  • Check the availability of the locations that you are interested in and make sure that they fit in with your schedule. Both in terms of the reservation and the work schedule, you already know that foresight is always fundamental. Furthermore, filming locations are usually booked well in advance. Bear this in mind.
  • In many places you will need the permits required to film. Try to make life easier for yourself and your film crew, by using locations where it is easy to get the necessary permits or where you don’t even need permits. However, if you have fallen in love with a place that does need permits, make sure you get them. 
  • Make safety important. Filming locations that, in general, are free of hazards for the film crew take precedence. What is more, if they have already been fitted out by companies, they will have emergency plans in the event of accidents, which will make the whole process much simpler and safer for you.
  • Make sure that there is enough room or that areas have been set aside for the production crew, technicians, extras… as well as rest areas and places to store equipment.
  • Visit the location beforehand when you expect there to be the most amount of noise. In this way you will avoid any unexpected surprises when the whole crew is there. You will find locations that have already been set up for filming to be much quieter. If they aren’t, you can always take measures to cut out unwanted noise.
  • Think about accommodation, if you need to stay overnight in a hotel or something similar for the filming. Adapt the choice of location to the accommodation available and get the amenities that the crew needs (bathrooms, restaurants, infrastructure to get to the place…). It is interesting that you know the “All in one” concept.
  • When it comes to renting the facilities, make sure you sign a solid contract with the lessors, which includes all the necessary details about the facilities, the terms and the liabilities. It is the perfect way to protect both parties and make sure that you are dealing with reliable companies or people.
  • Moreover, these locations, or your crew must be covered by some type of civil liability insurance against any possible damage to the property or any injuries suffered during the filming.
  • Have a plan B so that you can change the location if it rains or if anything unexpected happens. At Grand Luxor Mice, for example, there are a large number of rooms available that have feasible alternatives in the event of an emergency.

What is the price range in renting filming locations?

It is difficult to estimate the prices to rent filming locations. There is an enormous difference in the prices for locations that range from small rooms to large outdoor areas. Grand Luxor Mice is a perfect example of this. We have small rooms for about 8 people and large outdoor areas that can be used for large-scale events.

Bear in mind that it is not only the size of the location that is different, the invoicing method might vary as well (for hours or days), along with the whereabouts, the autonomous community, if the location is rented out by professional companies with experience and services or if it is just the space that is supplied… the price difference might vary from €100 to several thousands.

The price range from the lowest to the highest for the types of locations available is shown below:

  • Small simple spaces such as apartments, offices, studios, small houses or lesser known places.
  • Medium size spaces such as mid-range housing, business premises, industrial areas or studios set up to meet a wide range of needs.
  • At the top of the range, there are luxury locations, outdoor or themed filming locations, studios with professional equipment or vast areas of land.
  • Lastly, the so-called “unique” or “emblematic” locations. That is to say iconic and exclusive locations such as national, cultural or historical heritage, monuments, private property of great value, etc.

The best is to always have it clear what the filming requirements are and, when you have decided which locations you want to rent, ask for quotes in different places that have similar characteristics to get an idea of the price. If you would like to rent one or a few filming locations, come and see our spaces for yourself and get a quote with no strings attached. You will discover that there are many possibilities for MICE Tourism at Valencian Community, which has 300 days of sun a year.

What is the best time of the year to film in the Valencian Community?

If you decide to film in the Valencian Community, there are great opportunities here that you can make the most of for your project with the Mediterranean climate. Sun, good weather and plenty of services… Hereinafter we will tell you what the best times of the year are to film here (although, all in all, it is easy to film here right through the year).

  • Spring between March and June, is a wonderful time to film in the Valencian Community. It is when its mild and pleasant climate can really be enjoyed, with temperatures between 15ºC and 25ºC. The flowers and the plants that grow in the area are at their best, creating a fresh and colourful look.
  • Summer, between June and September, is the hottest time of the year, which also has the most hours of sunlight. Perfect for landscapes or scenes on the beach. However, it is a good idea to come prepared to protect yourself from the most dangerous hours of sunshine. 
  • Autumn is a lovely season for filming. The temperatures are mild, even if it rains, and the typical autumn colours become apparent. It is the rainiest season (just like in the rest of Spain), but, compared to the majority of other areas of the peninsula, it is the region where it is the least likely to rain.
  • Winter in the Valencian Community is mild compared to the majority of places in Spain; Even so, there are a few rainy and grey days, together with sunny days. 

Although it depends on what you are filming, it is true that spring and autumn are the most popular seasons of the year for film locations in the east of Spain, which is why it is a good idea to book in advance. However, if it is impossible to book ahead of time, given the project in question, it would be a good idea to check the weather forecast a few days before embarking on the work and always have a plan B.

How to measure the success of a corporate event

Measuring the success of a corporate event is one of the fudamental tasks of an Event manager. Knowing the results is vital for any marketing plan in order to assess if the objectives originally established have been met and if the event has managed to generate the desired impact for our brand.

In this post we will show you the key fundamentals when judging if an event has been successful in terms of image, participation, engagement or even income, should the objective be to increase turnover. We will see what the essential indicators are to ascertain the impact of our event and to know therefore if we can describe it as a “success“.

Foto Austin Distel en Unsplash

Keys for evaluating a corporate event

Below we set out a breakdown of some key points which will allow us to assess the success of a corporate event. Using these guidelines we can defend the result of the actions taken or take measures and decisions which will allow us to improve the results in the future.

Establish clear goals

There is a quote attributed to Seneca which says : “There is no favourable wind for he who does not know where to go“. Setting out clear objectives before the event begins is what will later allow us to quickly know if the objectives have been accomplished. In this way, we can know if our event has been a success or a failure. In other aspects we will go deeper to find the reasons for one result or another.

The objectives must be established based on SMART methodology: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely. Our aim must be simple, measurable in an objective numerical way, realistically achievable for the company activity,relevant to the activity of the company and set within a time frame.

Participation and attendance

The number and quality of the participants may not be definitive but they are good indicators of the success of a corporate event. When we speak of the number of participants we will do this in percentage terms based on our initial objective. If we speak of the importance of the guests, we can establish a score range based on the importance we give to the profile of each attendee by setting an initial score objective.  

Return on investment (ROI)

This is a mathematical method for measuring an event that seeks immediate profitability such as crowdfunding, a benefit gala, a sales showroom  etc. The ROI is the Return On Investment and is based on the income and costs with the following formula:  

ROI = (Income – investment) / Income *100.

With this formula we will obtain the earnings percentage based on the investment allocated to the event.

Attendee feedback

We can also directly ask the opinion of our attendees. This can be done by means of surveys with closed questions once the event has taken place.If we think that our guests are prepared to participate further with their opinions then we can send them open questionnaires or even make calls via a call centre or commercial department.

The most positive aspect of this is that we can go beyond the figures and draw qualitative conclusions, and obtain replies which in principle were not  contemplated, or suggestions which may allow us to come up with ideas for the future. In this way we will have a far wider appreciation of the particpants view of the event.  

Interaction and networking

We can also measure the success of an event by the number of relevant contacts we achieve from it. If the objective was to open new business lines with prospective clients, a good way to judge the success of the event is to count the number of leads or meetings obtained or even grade each prospect with a score. That grade can be based on the sector of the company contact, their function within the brand they represent or the turnover of the company.

Impact on the image of the company

Additionally, with the use of surveys before and after the event, you can assess how the perception of the users regarding your brand has evolved. By doing this, you can evaluate how the event has impacted on the users, strengthening your brand´s reputation, enhancing the commitment of the client and influencing the brand positioning in the mind of the consumer.

Analysis of other indicators

There are many indicators which may not be relevant but which however give a greater amplitude of the event´s influence on the attendees or persons who interact with the brand in one way or another. The quality of the presentations and workshops, the key messages communicated to the attendees, the media outreach, the engagement on social networks… 

How to present the results of an event

Now that we have the data at our disposal, it is time to present it to the works committee, to our superiors or to the rest of the group that made up a part of the event organisation. In this case, we will give you the steps to follow in order to have a coherent and ordered structure which will allow you to present the results clearly. 

  • Try to organise the information hierarchically, from the most relevant information about the results to that which has least importance. Numerical, qualitative, quantative data… everything that is relevant to understand the magnitude of the event and its influence on our guests.
  • Establish clearly the aim of the presentation with a central idea from which the rest of the ideas should follow.
  • Highlight the key achievements first. They can be significant figures that clearly speak about the result of the event, testimonies… This will generate a greater impact with the audience.
  • Use a clear and coherent structure. The information must be shown sequentially so that each piece of information connects with the previous one without generating isolated ideas which do not appear to have any relation with the rest.
  • Use graphs and visual aids so that the information you present will be more striking and thus more easily understood. The graphs must of course be easy to understand.
  • Show the conclusions at the end, summarising the key points you want your audience to retain.
  • Allow time for questions and for the attendees to participate. This will be a way to approach matters which you did not address or to clear up any doubts related with the presentation. 

Motivational speeches for companies to transform teams

In the work and business world, with constant challenges, intense workload peaks and with precious little time to stop, having a healthy, positive and motivated mindset is a decisive factor for maintaining good performances from work teams.  

Given the importance of  attitude and motivation when facing daily challenges at work, motivational speeches for companies have become a common practice which companies turn to in order to inspire and achieve the maximum potential from their people. 

As a result of the growth that motivational talks in a company context is experiencing, in this post we want to talk to you about them in detail, the benefits they bring and to give you some key tips regarding lectures and well-known speakers who may be of use to you or the rest of your team.

Foto de Kevin Gonzalez en Unsplash

What is a motivational speech?

A motivational talk is a lecture or presentation which attempts to dynamically inspire and empower its listeners, appealing to and awakening their passion and determination, using techniques and messages aimed at increasing their self-confidence. They are usually and indeed, must be, given by an expert in the field or by people who have lived through extraordinary vital experiences which serve as an example to others.   

As there are many types of speakers to be found in these motivational talks, they may deal with a wide range of themes. Didactic talks on how to organise and manage emotions, personal success stories or overcoming adversity… all of them can be extrapolated to our personal lives or to our work situation.   

From these vital experiences, the listeners can draw conclusions which can be positive for their daily working situation, either by putting into place certain practices or by simply becoming aware of the world that surrounds them and placing their personal situation into perspective.

Benefits of motivational talks for the workers of a company

Let us now see how these types of motivational talks can influence the mindset of employees, offering benefits both for them and for the performance of the company:

  • Increase worker motivation by means of that inspirational speech. The enthusiasm with which the message is received can improve in the worker, his commitment to his daily responsibilities and to himself, trying to meet objectives with determination and striving to reach his maximum potential.
  • Improve worker morale and thereby foment a better working atmosphere with a more positive and connected global mindset.
  • Since the employees feel more motivated, the likelihood of a better performance increases, which will impact directly on the productivity of the company. In addition, certain talks are capable of and directed towards developing skills which can be decisive for the performance of the worker, such as establishing clear goals, developing emotional skills, overcoming adversity or tackling problems from different angles.
  • Some speeches are also capable of reducing stress and fatigue of the workers, showing them how to confront their emotions positively, using stress reduction techniques, practising ways to nurture a positive mindset…
  • They can also stimulate the creativity of the workers, challenging them to think differently, approaching problems from different perspectives and opening up the mind.

What types of motivational talks can we offer in our company?

As we mentioned previously, there are many types of motivational talks a company can offer to their workers, covering multiple objectives. In this list we offer you some of the most common ones.

  • Personal growth talks focus on the personal and professional development of the employees. They touch on subjects such as setting targets, the improvement of personal skills, better time and resource management, emotional intelligence, resilience, people skills… aspects linked to personal growth which directly influence professional growth.
  • Talks on inspiration and success are based on real stories which in one way or another inspire the spectator by means of the example of an individual who has  experienced success. They can encourage the listeners to pursue their goals with greater determination.
  • Talks on motivation and team work are centred on fostering collaboration between employees, working on trust and the improvement of relationships among workers.
  • Talks on well-being and balance take as their focus, the physical and mental well-being of the workers: stress management, promoting a healthy lifestyle which has a direct effect on health and well-being, the balance between work and personal life…
  • Talks on creativity and entrepreneurship inspire and encourage the entrepreneurial spirit of the employees: innovation, generating ideas, taking calculated risks.

From all of these types of talks, the company will be responsible for choosing the facet they consider the most interesting, in line with the objectives and expectations of the company. When we know the aspect we wish to strengthen, we can source the speakers that best work on the chosen theme.

10 motivational talks which are worth listening to 

Below, we offer 10 talks which we consider to be very interesting and which you can use to motivate and train the workers of your company. They may also be useful to you simply as examples of what some of these lectures are usually like.

Some of these speakers are even available for corporate talks so a company could hire their services for a private event or for a large scale gathering. 

  • The most impactful decision you will ever make, de Tony Robbins.
  • Start with Why, by Simon Sinek.
  • The puzzle of motivation, by Dan Pink.
  • What makes us feel good about our work?, by Dan Ariely.
  • Nurturing the Ability to Question, by Warren Berger.
  • How to gain control of your free time, by Laura Vanderkam.
  • The happy secret to better working, by Shawn Achor.
  • The key to success? Determination, by Angela Lee Duckworth.
  • How can we  address work-life balance?, by Nigel Marsh.
  • Success, failure and the urge to continue creating, by Elizabeth Gilbert.
  • Leadership and Happiness, by Juan Carlos Cubeiro.
  • The challenge of learning, by Pablo Pineda.
  • The neuroscience of emotions, by Marian Rojas Estapé.

Before sharing any of these talks or hiring the services of a speaker of this type, we recommend that you find out about the theme of the talk and the lecturer´s world view, personal relations, sphere of work etc. You must make sure that the talk is in harmony with the philosophy of your company and that the values you want to impress and exploit in your work teams are manifestly present in the lecture. 

How to choose the perfect place for your corporate event

What are the most important aspects for the organisation of an event? If we made a list of the most important ones, the place to hold the event would be among the top ones. So in this post we are going to tackle the subject of how to choose the perfect place for a corporate event, considering aspects such as the objectives, place, capacity… we will also talk about the services that must be offered to adapt to the needs of the event and of your guests.

Let us have a look at some tips: 

How to choose the location of an event

Choosing the location of the event is one of the first organisational tasks we must carry out. Let us take a look at the steps to bear in mind in order to choose where. 

Establish the objectives 

The objectives set out for the event are largely responsible for choosing the location of the event. Some specific requirements will need particular services and conditions.There are a number of objectives which typically appear when organising corporate events:  

  • Present a brand or service.
  • Generate professional contacts.
  • Increase client fidelity with the brand.
  • Educate or train the attendees with regard to a particular subject.

In this respect we can recommend our post about types of corporate events.

Consider the location

The place must be reasonably accessible for the guests. In the case of national or international events, proximity to and connections with trains or airports is particularly important, as is the availability of nearby hotels, restaurants and basic services. 

In this regard, it is especially interesting to find spaces known as “All in One“ , which are event celebration spaces capable of offering all the necessary services where the complete experience can be staged. Here we will explain what the All in One event space celebration concept consists of.

Fix the number of attendees

Having an approximate number of attendees will dictate the necessary capacity for holding the event, and therefore the choice of one venue or another. Consequently, it is advisable to find, on the websites that offer places for celebrating events, a section for each space which indicates  the maximum capacity. In fact, at Grand Luxor Mice, we do this in our event celebration spaces section, as well as with our intelligent search engine on the top bar of the site.

Consider the layout of the site and the needs

A conference is not the same as a mass event or a meeting for directors. It is therefore important to understand the needs of the event and consequently, the characteristics the venue must have. Select a venue which lends itself to the requirements. A gala dinner, an outdoor cocktail, a meeting for business people, a team building session or the presentation of an automobile are very different events which will require different spaces.

What infrastructure will I need? 

Electrical sockets, electronic equipment, a catering area… You must also choose the event space in accordance with the technical needs or services you will have to cater for.  

There are many types of services or infrastructures which these spaces can offer: catering, restaurant, bar, audiovisual tools, attendants, translation service, transport for guests, accommodation, parking, Wifi access to internet and even sports and leisure services. Determine what you need and choose the space accordingly. 

Are you clear about the style of the event?

If we move on to the aesthetic aspect, we will have to choose a place which adapts itself to the spirit or “look and feel“ of the brand or at least one which we can personalise in order to achieve this. There are many ways to define a style or mark the general tone of the event. In fact, you can see the current trends of event organisation in a previous post of ours.

Similarly, we can recommend several original company events which will undoubtedly leave an unforgettable memory of the event with your guests.

The budget is crucial

With these types of actions, the budget always ends up taking on great importance as a conditioning factor. The expectations will have to be adjusted in line with the amount of money available for the event. It goes without saying that the budget is one of the aspects that has a greater impact on the conditions when preparing an event. With this in mind, we can recommend an earlier post where we speak about how to draw up a budget for a corporate event.

Ask for opinions and references 

Using your contacts, find out about the event space or simply check to see which other brands have celebrated their events there. This is a way of measuring the reliability and experience of the venue. In fact, the recommendation of aquaintances and professionals from the sector is one of the most highly considered aspects when hiring a service of this type, together with the impressions given when visiting the place for the first time; something which we will mention in the last point.  

Visit the venue

Before taking a firm decision, do not forget to make a personal visit to the site. When you do this you can meet the staff. This is without doubt the best recommendation we can make to you.  

There are few things more reliable than our own experience when we see a site, get to know the facilities, find out about the conditions and meet the staff who are in charge of the space. Do they have a helpful attitude? Do you notice their professionalism and experience when responding to your needs? Having narrowed down the options, visiting several places will give us the answer to which the best place to celebrate our corporate event is.

The best MICE destinations in Asia

MICE tourism (Meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions), also known as business or corporate tourism, encompasses all the tourist activities related with corporate events such as meetings, congresses, conferences, company events, seminars

Even though the main motivation for these events is corporate, some time dedicated to leisure activities can always be found. 

Continents like Asia offer superb MICE destinations to celebrate meetings and corporate events. The unique mix of cultures, remarkable landscapes and modern cities also make it an ideal continent to get to know and enjoy.  

Principal  Asian cities for MICE tourism

In this article we are going to highlight the best MICE destinations in Asia.

  • Singapore: Known as the “Garden City“, Singapore is a top level economic and technological centre. Its world class infrastructure, hotels and luxury convention centres, along with a safe and cosmopolitan environment make Singapore an ideal place for business meetings. 
  • Tokyo, Japan: The capital of Japan offers the perfect combination of tradition and modernity. With a wide range of facilities for meetings and an efficient transport network, Tokyo is a popular choice for MICE events. In addition, its luxury hotels, renowned restaurants and Japanese hospitality make this city an unbeatable option.
  • Hong Kong, China: Hong Kong is a world famous financial and commercial centre. Apart from its impressive skyscrapers and iconic skyline, the city boasts state of the art facilities for conferences and exhibitions as well as a wide variety of options for gastronomy and opportunities for team building. 
  • Seoul, South Korea: The capital of South Korea has gained popularity as a MICE destination in recent years. Seoul combines its rich history with a modern infrastructure and offers a wide range of options for accommodation, from luxury hotels to traditional Korean guest houses.
  • Bangkok, Thailand: Known as the “Venice of the East“, Bangkok provides a fascinating mixture of tradition and modernity. The city has a large number of hotels and quality convention centres, together with a vibrant restaurant scene and entertainment options.
  • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: The capital of Malaysia is a dynamic and multicultural city which has experienced rapid growth in the last few years. Kuala Lumpur offers excellent facilities for meetings and conventions and boasts many options for accommodation and a vibrant nightlife.
  • Shanghai, China: Being the most important financial and commercial centre in China, Shanghai is a top level MICE destination. The city  offers modern facilities for meetings and conventions as well as a wide range of accommodation options and an exciting cultural scene.
  • Dubai, United Arab Emirates: Dubai has become a world class destination for MICE events. With its impressive infrastructure, luxury hotels and state of the art convention centres, Dubai offers a unique experience for event organisers.
  • Delhi, India: The capital of India combines a rich history and culture with modern meeting facilities. Delhi possesses several first class convention centres and a wide range of hotels as well as fascinating tourist attractions for the event participants.
  • Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: With its fascinating history and a vibrant urban scene, Ho Chi Minh City is an exciting option for MICE events in Asia. The city has modern facilities for meetings and conventions together with  an ample variety of accommodation options and superb Vitenamese cuisine.  

Asia offers a wide range of exciting destinations for MICE tourism. Whether it is Singapore, Tokyo, Seoul or any of the other destinations mentioned, event organisers will find high quality infrastructures, exceptional hospitality and a unique mix of tradition and modernity. These outstanding cities of Asia will be sure to make your events successful and unforgettable.