Speaker during his presentation at a digital marketing event.

Keys to organise a successful digital marketing event

From the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have seen an unprecedented acceleration of a world that was already on an upward trajectory, like that of online businesses. There has been a boom in the demand of users to satisfy their consumer needs in the digital environment, and even small companies have had to adapt to the digital platforms to broaden their scope and meet this demand. In view of the current panorama, many companies are faced with a huge challenge, particularly the small and medium sized firms, which lack in-depth knowledge about digital marketing.

To address this knowledge gap, these small companies are actively searching for information and training on digital tools and emerging trends. Their objective is to develop and strengthen their presence online in an effective and strategic way. 

This scenario is a unique opportunity for companies that specialise in digital marketing, because they can make the most of this situation of having to constantly look for information in this field. By organising events on the matter that they specialise in, they can acquire a better reputation or find, among the participants of these events, new customers to supply their services to. 

Picture: Teemu Paananen en Unsplash

How can a digital marketing event that really works be organised?

If you are planning on organising a digital marketing event, it is essential to realise that it takes much more than just having any type of approach. You must be aware of the fact that your most interesting audience is the one that has the greatest purchasing power and budget, which will basically be made up of professionals that will critically evaluate the content and the quality of your pitch. Therefore, this event might have a significant impact on how your company is perceived, for better or for worse. 

A well-executed event that has valuable content can improve the reputation of your company, and establish it as a thought leader in the industry. On the other hand, a badly planned event or one that is irrelevant might damage your corporate image. Therefore, it is essential to pay special attention to the relevance and the quality of the content that you supply and the way that you show it. Here are the keys to make your event a real success and ensure that it is a great experience for your audience:


  • Clearly establish the objectives of the event and act accordingly: Does the event have one single purpose to educate, or is value generation the way to obtain a certain number of leads? Do you want to increase the brand visibility in a specific professional group? As a result of the success, have you closed deals with a number of customers right there? Establish objectives that enable you to focus your decisions in this direction and gauge the success of your event afterwards.
  • Identify and understand your target audience: What do they expect and need to learn or experience? Having extensive knowledge about your target audience helps to make the right decisions in line with their tastes and needs. 

The date of the event

  • Choose a date that does not coincide with other events that are important in your industry. This is especially relevant if it is a new event or still small. If this is the case, coinciding with a leading event would destroy our expectations. 
  • Assess the dates of other events that are important for your target audience as well, even if they are not necessarily the same type of event as that of your brand. 

The venue

  • If it is an in-person event, choose a suitable place that is accessible for your audience. It must be somewhere that is easy to access, which has a car park and a public transport infrastructure. 
  • The size is also relevant. A place that is too small might become overcrowded due to the lack of space, while somewhere that is too big might create a feeling of emptiness and a lack of interest. The comfort of your target audience not only guarantees their satisfaction, but it also enhances the professionalism and the image of your event
  • The decoration says a lot about your brand. It is essential that the venue where you hold your event is decorated appropriately, so that it doesn’t look too “bare”. Well-thought-out decoration can significantly improve the atmosphere of the event. Choose accessories that are aesthetically pleasing without saturating the space. These elements must complement the setting, and add a distinctive and welcoming touch, but without being overwhelming.
  • The lighting is important because it has a key role in creating the right atmosphere for your event. It is essential to find a balance between effective and agreeable lighting in the central area of the event and a more subtle and softer lighting in specific areas that you want to highlight. This balance will help create a comfortable and cosy atmosphere. Avoid the excessive use of lights and spotlights, seeing as this not only produces excess heat, it also creates a sense of overexposure among your target audience. Lighting must complement and enhance the space not dominate it, so that the participants feel relaxed and can focus on the content of the event. Well-planned lighting can significantly improve the experience of the event, contributing to a pleasant and professional atmosphere.
  • Make sure the venue is equipped with the necessary technology, especially for virtual or hybrid events (streaming platforms, microphones, cameras, etc.).
  • When it comes to events related to the digital world, nowadays it is unthinkable to not to have a hybrid: in-person and digital event all at the same time.  Not only does it broaden the scope of your event, it also makes it more inclusive and adaptable to different situations. It is important to be aware of the fact that the online experience is not the same as the in-person experience, but that does not decrease its value. A carefully-planned and well-executed online event can be just as enriching and appealing. Furthermore, in today’s context, the majority of people have adapted themselves to attend events and conferences virtually, partly thanks to the changes that have been made due to the pandemic. 
  • For virtual events, choose a stable and user-friendly platform, which is the way in which we calculate accessibility in a digital environment.
  • Do technical tests beforehand to make sure that there are no problems during the event. Faulty technology is one of the biggest nightmares of a speaker. Although at Grand Luxor Business & Events we always make sure that everything works perfectly, a presentation uploaded to the cloud or that is incompatible with the system might turn out to be a difficult setback to overcome.

The promotion

  • Use different channels to promote the event, such as social media, email marketing, advertising, guest influencers… 
  • Make sure that all the advertising and marketing includes vital information: the date and the time of the event, platform or the place (if it is hybrid), registration instructions, and contact details for enquiries. 
  • If the event is also online, provide clear instructions on how to access or download any software that is required. 
  • Also consider the option of providing participants with benefits during or after the event. This might include access to exclusive material, networking opportunities, or discounts in future events or products. In this way, participants will be more motivated to come. 
  • Use an easy registration system, which is intuitive and efficient, as well as a safe online payment gateway to buy entry tickets, if participants have to pay for the event.
  • Keep in touch with the participants continually before, during and after the event. 
  • In the messages sent before the event, prepare your target audience for what is going to happen during it. Create positive anticipation and expectations, but be realistic when it comes to what you promise. Do not commit yourself to anything that you won’t be able to comply with, because not meeting expectations might damage your brand perception and the trust of your target audience. Instead, focus on creating an authentic and valuable experience that is a reflection of your company, to therefore improve the image that you want to convey.

Holding the event and content

  • Design an interesting programme with relevant subject matters for your target audience, have speakers or presenters that are well-known experts and good communicators. 
  • The harmony between an appropriate space and quality content is essential so that your target audience has the best experience possible. Your speech and that of your speakers must meet the expectations of the participants. So, do some research beforehand on the subject matters and the data that is the most interesting for them, making sure that you provide them with content that satisfies their needs and their interests.
  • Plan the flow of the event, including an efficient registration system, sessions that are not too long, reasonable breaks and with catering if this is required due to the schedule. 
  • Fit out the rest areas so that they are pleasant and favour networking tasks. 
  • Coordinate or hire someone to coordinate the personnel and the volunteers to manage the different aspects of the event that you want to keep track of.
  • Look for sponsors or collaborators that can add value to the event and whose values are in line with the values of your event and brand. 
  • When it comes to showing your corporate image, make it subtle so that it is in line with the general decoration, making sure that the target audience can identify with the spirit of the event and the essence of your company. The key is to have a balance between the aesthetics and the features, creating an environment that represents your brand and that of your sponsors, which is also appealing and convenient for the participants. Not only does this enhance the corporate identity, it also helps create a more immersive and professional atmosphere.
  • Consider sustainable practices in the organisation of the event: in the material that is available, the catering objects, the electricity consumption. It might also be a good idea to incorporate corporate social responsibility elements as long as these are not forced.

After the event

  • Send thank you emails. These must be personalised, acknowledging the participation of the target audience and expressing gratitude. 
  • To add value, summaries of the event, links to recordings or material that was presented, or even an invitation to future events can be included in the emails. This approach not only shows appreciation, it also keeps participants interested in the brand or the company.
  • Get feedback from the participants and the speakers as well to improve in future events. These surveys must be designed to be brief and direct, and also cover the key aspects that you want to know about to find out what the participants thought about the event. 
  • Analyse the data obtained during the event.  This includes metrics such as the attendance rates, levels of participation, interaction during the event and the behaviour of the participants both in-person and hybrid. This analysis helps understand the preferences and the behaviour of the target audience better, which is essential to fine-tune future strategies and make sure that the next events are even more successful.

Where can the right place for a marketing event be found?

Finding the ideal place for a marketing event might be a challenge, especially when a balance between the practically and the desired atmosphere is required. At Grand Luxor Hotel, we know that it isn’t an easy process and that it takes time to choose the right place, which is why we have a wide range of places available that have been adapted to a variety of needs and preferences. 

Whether you are looking for an intimate atmosphere for a small event, a large area for a big meeting, elegant charming indoor or outdoor areas, we have options for each occasion.

Furthermore, our team is ready to work with you and help you choose the perfect place and make sure that all the details are provided for. You can be sure that your event will convey the values that your company stands for.