original spaces for corporate events

Original spaces for corporate events

One of the main objectives of brands when they are involved in the initial creative process for celebrating a corporate event is to surprise. In a social context where users receive more and more publicity impact and moreover in personalised form, achieving the “Wow” factor at an event is crucial if the experience is to be memorable and remain present in the mind of the consumer. 

Consequently, choosing original event spaces for corporate celebrations is the key to achieving an effect which is both surprising and evocative for the guests. Let us look at a few which will undoubtedly be of interest to you.

A corporate event afloat

Celebrating a corporate event on a boat can be an unforgettable experience for your guests. This is probably not one of the most innovative ideas that you will read here, but a party on a boat  is one of those elements which reside in the collective imagination as something which has to be done at least once in a lifetime. Who has not imagined this at one time or another?

As organizers, we are at the mercy of the changes in the weather, so it is a good idea to have a plan B. Likewise, we must regulate exactly the number of attendees in line with the size of the boat and hire a security service specialising in the maritime sector. 

A corporate party in a theme park

Celebrating a corporate party in a theme park can be an  exciting and fun way to to get the employees to join in and celebrate the achievements of the company.We believe it is a good option if we also want to involve the families of the employees in the event. 

Special conditions can be offered for the attendees such as the possibility of avoiding the queues which sometimes form (or close the theme park to give exclusive access to the attendees of the event).

A business meeting in a luxury hotel

Celebrating a business meeting in a luxury hotel can be a way not only to impress your clients or collaborators, but also to make their stay as agreeable and comfortable as posiible. 

In many large hotels we usually offer meeting rooms adapted to  all types of acts, from small business gatherings to large corporate meetings. In this respect, it will be essential to know the estimated number of attendees in order to book the room depending on the capacity requirements.

A gala dinner in a castle

For high level budgets, celebrating a gala dinner in a castle can be a distinctly impressive experience for the guests. Here, there is the possibility of including the concept of a themed party, where the setting plays a fundamental role.

Finally, we must take into account that these types of spaces tend to be protected by public entities so certain restrictions will exist. To solve this question, we can turn to themed spaces which simulate real historical spaces with an enormous degree of realism.

An incentive activity for employees in a water park

Organizing an incentive activity for employees in a water park can be a pleasant and much appreciated way to motivate or give rewards to employees with a good work performance. As we saw in the section on themed parks, it is also an activity where the family card can be played. 

It is important that the space can offer the possibility of closing the park for the event or certain areas thereof, or failing that, allow special options so that the attendees do not have to queue in order to enjoy the facilities of the park.   

A party for employees in an abandoned factory

Organising a party in an abandoned factory for your employees would be included as one of the options for a type of worker or company of a more casual or alternative nature. Clearly, we are not talking of entering an abandoned space illegally, which could also be unsafe, but rather spaces which event celebration companies have specifically prepared for such a use, creating very interesting spaces with an industrial character. 

A cocktail party at the theatre

We now go from the most alternative to the most  classic of settings: Celebrating a cocktail party in a theatre. This action can also go hand in hand with a show. As it is a very standardized event, it will be the performance that marks the character of the celebration. Classic plays for more serious ambiances, pop music for more relaxed or youthful occasions, popular plays, comedy monologues appropriate for the event, alternative theatre… there are many options which can be adapted to the event depending on the profile of the attendees.

A team building day in a country house

We have spoken extensively about team building activities for companies in this blog. They are activities which are carried out as a team and which seek to reinforce the collaboration between work groups and also allow us to obtain information about the different profiles of the workers, where employees with leadership skills can emerge, as do those who feel more comfortable in gregarious roles, special talents which may go unnoticed in everyday working contexts.

A requirement for these activities is to take the group out of their everyday work setting, so a team building session in a country house is a very interesting option.

An incentive trip to a ski or beach resort 

We return to an activity which intends to reward the good performance of a work group or strengthen the bonds between the workers or collaborators. The snowy landscape of a ski resort or the beach are two favourite destinations for these types of getaways. It all depends on the location of the company or the time of year.