writing an invitation

How to write an invitation to a conference

If the success of a conference or a corporate event is measured, among other things, by the level of participation then attendance could be a a good yardstick to evaluate the preparatory communication work. Sending out the invitations, the format, the timings… are decisive for  the final success of a company or brand´s event. With this in mind, we would like to dedicate these lines to underlining the importance of the invitations with a brief guide on how to write an invitation to a conference.

What is an invitation letter to a conference ?

An invitation letter to a conference is a formal document where an individual or a company is informed of the organizer´s wish for the recipient to be present at the event.

There are many and varied types of invitation letters to these events which are usually characterised by the kind of event it is. So, which one is the most suitable? How must a conference invitation be drafted? Should we give a handwritten invitation to each guest? Can we tag people on social media? What will guarantee our success?

The invitation is a part of the event and must therefore reflect its nature. It must be produced with contagious enthusiasm and consequently not merely inform of practical details such as the name of the conference organizer or the address of the venue.  

We can send it via different channels , providing that they are suited to the character of the event. Post, email, social media or application…

Let us look at different types of invitation letters for events.

  • Handwritten. These are not common nowadays. They are reserved for special guests and are more suitable for smaller scale celebrations or very specific themed events. They are the most time-consuming and laborious.
  • Printed. These can be very creative with the input of a graphic designer or with the assistance of online templates currently available but these  three require a greater economic input.
  • Digital. These are both the cheapest and quickest, although as they are mass produced they may end up in the spam tray or similar if the email manager does not identify the sender correctly. A  point in their favour is the perception of modernity they offer as opposed to the old-fashioned paper method. In addition, this allows us to send reminders regularly and to follow up on the replies received. However, this may still be interpreted as slightly more informal for those who have not yet made the definitive cultural move to the digital world.
  • Those sent via social media or Apps created for the purpose deserve a special mention. Graphics of events from these platforms allow greater elaboration and ease of management of the invitations. The principal drawback is that the confirmation of attendance is still understood as lacking commitment and can increase the number of absences.

Foto de Glenn Carstens-Peters en Unsplash

Parts of an invitation letter to a conference

The invitation to a conference must answer several key questions: Who is the organizer? What is the topic to be addressed? Who is the speaker? Where and when will it be held? 

Invitations to attend a conference will have the following parts :

  • Name and surname of the person invited.
  • Title of the conference and a brief description.
  • Names of the organizers.
  • Date and time of the event.
  • Location of the venue and joining instructions.

Model letter for a conference invitation

A model example would be as follows:

Dear/Mr./Mrs./Ms. ______________

We are delighted to invite you to attend the conference  __________ given by Mr./Mrs/Ms. (name and position or profession)___________, which will be held on (date) _________ at (time)_______, in (address)_________.

We look forward to welcoming you and would be grateful if you could confirm your attendance before  (confirmation date)____________.

Yours sincerely,

(Name and signature of the event organizer)

Writing tips for an invitation letter

When drafting this type of letter the following advice should be taken into account:

  • Choose the appropriate language: A serious conference requires more formal language in the text of the invitation that the guests will receive. Lighthearted expressions should be left for other more informal occasions.
  • Use of templates: A good template makes up for the lack of a good graphic designer to produce a more profesional job if a good professional is not available.
  • Choosing the right moment to send the invitation: The date, location, size of the venue and the number of invitations must be considered. Sending them too soon may mean that the guests forget. The recommendation is to send them seven days before the date of the celebration, which is a reasonable time for them to organise their diaries and be able to attend the event.  
  • Send a reminder: Sending a reminder for the appointment one day before is usually very effective in avoiding last minute no shows due to forgetfulness or lack of commitment
  • Choosing conventional mail or email: If you opt for conventional mail, it is a good idea to add an envelope to confirm the  attendance of those invited. In this way it will be easier to receive the participant´s reply, which will allow us to know the number of guests who will attend. 

Increase the number of visitors to your conference

We have seen the details of an invitation letter to a conference and we have given an example of a model conference invitation letter. New technologies allow us to send digital invitations immediately to a large number of guests but we should consider other types of more traditional invitations 

At Grand Luxor Mice we have at our disposal the best facilities for the celebration of conferences and professional events of all types. Our team of professional experts in event organization will be pleased to advise you. Contact us.