travelling by car

Slow travel as a MICE proposal for incentive trips and events

Stress and the frenetic pace of our daily lives prevent us more and more from enjoying good quality of life. Travelling is one of the leisure activities which allow us to escape from this reality and to enjoy to the full the cultures and landscapes of the world.     

Many people do not get the most out of their holidays as they are continually planning the accommodation and activities that they want to do. Slow travel arose from this situation, a highly recommended proposal which gives us a unique and conscious way of enjoying our trip

Photo by averie woodard at Unsplash

What is slow travel ? 

The new way of travelling known as “slow travel” concentrates on living a conscious and serene experience where the focus is on enjoying the present. The origins of slow travel come from the Italian slow food movement which developed as a protest against the emerging fast food chains in Europe during the 80s.  

From the perspective of tourism, this experience gives people the opportunity to discover and explore the culture of the destination in an authentic way.

How is it applicable to MICE tourism ?

This new way of travelling offers MICE companies and DMC agencies new possibilities to experience a high quality stay at accommodation which favours an atmosphere of tranquillity for their guests. 

The guest can opt for experiences which include accommodation only or in addition to this, various leisure services providing both quality and restfulness.

You can prepare this type of travel adapting the activities in accordance with the company preferences, choosing unique experiences which remain in the memory of the participants.

These types of experiences are perfect if your wish is to reward your team of workers with an incentive travel or organise a personalised trip where they can relax and enjoy a memorable holiday.

The benefits slow travel brings to the employee

Below we will speak about the number of benefits derived from choosing this slow travel philosophy to discover the world for a worker you either wish to reward or to offer a solution to in a particular moment, be it personal or professional.   

Disconnect from the digital world and discover yourself

This is the best opportunity for a worker to disconnect from the digital world and to enjoy the possibilities offered by slow travel. They will learn to value their time, be conscious of the present moment and the culture of the place they are in.  

Moreover, departing for an unknown destination will mean a great challenge for them. It is an experience which represents a complete change as all types of situations must be faced which are beyond our control and outside our comfort zone

It will be a rewarding experience which will make the individual appreciate the present moment and value the small things which make that place special.

Itineraries open to spontaneity and improvisation.

The travel itinerary can be personalised depending on preferences and circumstances, admitting modifications at will. In this way, unforgettable and exciting moments will be experienced but above all, the traveller will be able to modify the journey to their particular needs or interests.  

Travelling in this way also gives the opportunity to meet and have contact with a large circle of individuals, from local people to other travellers. Thanks to this, the traveller can immerse himself in the culture and way of life in the most authentic way possible, enriching his spiritual sense and discovering new ways to understand life and interpersonal relations.

To feel fulfilled by bringing value to the community

Part of the time can be dedicated to volunteer and community work, perhaps carrying out activities connected to our daily work, or different ones which allow us to completely disconnect.  As a result, the individual contributes to the improvement and development of the area by using his knowledge and skills, providing an enriching activity for both parts.